Jacob Herrera, 40 Under 40

Jacob Herrera

Commander, Denver Police Department, Colorado

Commander [bold]Jacob Herrera[end] has been serving with the Denver Police Department since 2007. After working in patrol, the Internal Affairs Unit, and Conduct Review Office, he worked for the chief of police as a lieutenant, managing movement of personnel for the entire department for two years. 

Promoted to commander in 2022, he currently oversees the Operational Innovation Bureau. In this capacity, he has incorporated many new ideas and processes into the department’s day-to-day operations. From updating procedures to improve communication with the public and provide accountability briefings to implementing new systems to reduce vehicle theft, Commander Herrera is always thinking innovatively and finding ways to work collaboratively with diverse groups.  

His recent achievements include two initiatives to meet strategic objectives for the department. The Strategic Allocation for Emergency Response (SAFER) protocol adjusts the response to calls based on priority, officer staffing, and volume of calls for service. The DPD Vicarious Stress and Trauma (VAST) score is used as a metric for officer wellness as part of an early warning system and is based on data from officer calls for service. Commander Herrara also launched an internal command college to coach command staff through the entire strategy development lifecycle.  

His service to the community is reflected by a program he developed that pairs high school students from schools that experienced shootings with nonprofits, such as a local arts center, to explore the students’ interests. 


“I am deeply motivated by the selflessness and commitment of the officers whom I have had the privilege to supervise.” 

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