Vincent Vleesenbeek

Vincent Vleesenbeek

International Vice President

Vincent H. Vleesenbeek was appointed Head of the Netherlands Police Department for International Cooperation, in November 2022. In this capacity and based at the Netherlands Police Headquarters in The Hague, he is responsible for delivering and monitoring the international strategies of the Dutch police. Leading a team of twenty-five international advisors, he liaises and collaborates with international partners and the Netherlands Police Force Command, the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service.

Vincent Vleesenbeek is a senior civilian member of the Netherlands Police. Between 2017 and 2022, he was the Dutch Police Attaché for the United States, Canada, Mexico, Belize and Bahamas at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington, DC. During five years, he represented the Netherlands Police in North America in legal requests, consular cases, information exchanges, and diplomatic missions. Between 2019 and 2021, Mr. Vleesenbeek was Chair of the International Law Enforcement Attachés association (ILEA) in Washington, DC. He has been an active member of the IACP since 2017.  

Until 2017, Mr. Vleesenbeek was senior international advisor and Deputy Head of the Department for International Cooperation. He was actively involved in the more complex country portfolios of the USA, China, and Suriname. Before his post in The Hague, Mr. Vleesenbeek was Head of International Relations for the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Police between 2006 en 2012. From 1996 until 2006, Mr. Vleesenbeek was (senior) policy advisor for the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Police holding various legal and administrative portfolios for the Chief’s Office and Regional Board of Mayors.

Mr. Vleesenbeek holds a Master’s degree in Dutch law obtained at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He successfully completed the study program on General Investigative Skills and Policing at the Police Academy of the Netherlands as well as the Postdoctoral Course on Foreign Relations at the Clingendael Institute of International Relations in The Hague. 

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