IACP Traffic Incident Management

IACP Traffic Incident Management

The IACP and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have partnered together to promote FHWA's Traffic Incident Management (TIM) programs. The TIM program provides tools, guidance, capacity building, and promising practices that aid local and state DOTs and their partners in efforts to improve transportation network efficiency and public/responder safety when a non-recurring event either interrupts or overwhelms transportation operations. Non-recurring events can range from traffic incidents and traffic planning for special events to disaster or emergency transportation operations. Over the past decade, FHWA has developed tools and capabilities to improve the management of transportation for both planned and unplanned events. Whether the precipitating event is a traffic incident, a planned event, or an emergency with the potential to escalate to an evacuation, state and local DOTs must be prepared to respond to and manage such events no matter what time of day or night.


For other inquiries regarding traffic safety initiatives, please contact the IACP's Traffic Safety Initiatives team at [email protected].

Traffic Incident Management Videos

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Video 

This video addresses traffic incident management concepts, policies, and practices.

Traffic Incident Management: The Role of the Traffic Reporter

“Traffic Incident Management: The Role of the Traffic Reporter” is designed to engage traffic reporters and introduce them to the valuable role that they play in traffic incident management through informing the public on traffic incidents and educating them on relevant laws such as Move-It and Quick Clearance. 


Primary and Secondary Incident Management: Predicting Durations in Real Time (pdf)
Virginia Center for Transportation Research & Innovation

Best Practices in Traffic Incident Management Executive Summary (pdf)
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration 

Traffic Incident Management Handbook
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration 

Traffic Incident Management Resource Management Guidebook
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration


TIM Performance Measurements Knowledgebase
A critical national resource supported by the FHWA Office of Operations, provides a user-friendly, online reference for transportation professionals to successfully implement program-level TIM performance measures.

California Highway Patrol Tow Service Agreement (PDF)
Tow truck drivers play an important role in clearing incident scenes and in traffic incident management.  California Highway Patrol has worked the towing companies in their state to ensure that tow trucker drivers are properly trained in TIM principles and have codified those requirements in their Tow Service Agreement (for specific reference to TIM requirements, please see page 15).

Emergency Responder Safety News
The Emergency Responder Safety Institute maintains a website with current news and information regarding emergency responder safety.

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