Katie Nelson
Public Information Officer, City of Mountain View Police Department, California
An internationally recognized speaker and trainer on the topics of media relations, social media strategy, and crisis communications, Mountain View Police Department’s PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER KATIE NELSON has quickly risen to be considered one of the best police information officers (PIOs) in the United States. She is a frequently published author in IACP’s Police Chief magazine and general chair of the IACP PIO section. As a testament to her skill, she was brought in to assist with the digital communications strategy for the U.S. presidential inauguration.
PIO Nelson has been described as one of the brightest minds in policing who personifies leadership, dedication, and service to community. She strives tirelessly to improve the image of policing, working hard to get out the positive stories of the good work cops do on a regular basis, most recently through the IACP-endorsed #PathForward digital campaign. She’s recently helped lead the first collaboration between the IACP Police Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee and the PIO section on a groundbreaking initiative to address the image of policing.
Before joining the Mountain View Police Department, Katie was an award-winning journalist for publications like the San Jose Mercury News, the Contra Costa Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. She has been published nationally for her breaking news coverage of the Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crash and her investigative work on the State Department of Social Services that led to major legislative reform to protect older Californians.
“To be a part of building the best path forward for our profession and for the communities we serve is an honor I do not take lightly.“