A Peek Into IACP 2016 - Day 4

A Peek Into IACP 2016 - Day 4

Written By: iacpblog

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img_1939 More than 720 exhibitors wrapped up the final day of the IACP 2016 Expo Hall. Participants traversed 525,701 square feet of exhibit space to make connections and learn about new products and services.

ciforum The Critical Issues Forum featured police executives who have led their agencies through a wide array of critical incidents ranging from targeted violence and mass casualty attacks, civil disturbances, and attacks targeting police. Panelists included  Jarrod Burguan, Chief of the San Bernardino Police Department; Catherine De Bolle, Commissioner General of the Belgian Federal Police; Michael Edmonson, Colonel of the Louisiana State Police; Eddie Johnson, Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department; John Mina, Chief of the Orlando Police Department, and Emile Perez, Director of International Cooperation Department for the French National Police. The session was moderated by CNN Correspondent Deborah Feyerick.

SS2_1891.JPG We wrapped up a series of 228 educational sessions held over four days on the most pressing topics for law enforcement today.

SS2_2283.JPG IACP 2016 attendees and exhibitors planned ahead for IACP 2017 in Philadelphia, PA. Hundreds of participants registered for housing, and 70% of the IACP 2017 Expo Hall Floor is now sold.
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