Applications Being Accepted for the National Campus Law Enforcement First-Line Supervisor Training on Violence Against Women
In June 2015, the IACP will hold the National Campus Law Enforcement First-Line Supervisor Training on Violence Against Women at the University of Maryland (College Park, MD). With support from the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), this unique four-day training event will bring together campus law enforcement first-line supervisors to address the complex realities of stalking, domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, and other violence against women crimes on campus.
The National Campus Law Enforcement First-Line Supervisor Training on Violence Against Women, being held June 23rd – 26th, 2015, will provide law enforcement first-line supervisors with the opportunity to assess their agency’s effectiveness and strategies in responding to crimes of violence against women and to create proactive strategies for responding to these crimes. Additionally, the training will give attendees the chance to strengthen their mentorship and leadership skills through the exploration of topics relevant to their role as a supervisors and discussions with subject matter experts and colleagues. A strong emphasis of the Campus event is on creating partnerships and building collaborative efforts with other campus partners.
Campus law enforcement and security (sworn and non-sworn) are invited to apply for this unique opportunity. Additional information on the National First-Line Supervisor Training and the application can be found on the IACP First-Line Supervisor Training Website. The deadline for completed application packets is April 3rd, 2015. We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible as there are a limited number of spaces available. For more information, please contact Michael Rizzo, IACP Project Manager, at [email protected] or call 1-800-THE-IACP ext. 818.
The National Campus Law Enforcement First-Line Supervisor Training on Violence Against Women, being held June 23rd – 26th, 2015, will provide law enforcement first-line supervisors with the opportunity to assess their agency’s effectiveness and strategies in responding to crimes of violence against women and to create proactive strategies for responding to these crimes. Additionally, the training will give attendees the chance to strengthen their mentorship and leadership skills through the exploration of topics relevant to their role as a supervisors and discussions with subject matter experts and colleagues. A strong emphasis of the Campus event is on creating partnerships and building collaborative efforts with other campus partners.
Campus law enforcement and security (sworn and non-sworn) are invited to apply for this unique opportunity. Additional information on the National First-Line Supervisor Training and the application can be found on the IACP First-Line Supervisor Training Website. The deadline for completed application packets is April 3rd, 2015. We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible as there are a limited number of spaces available. For more information, please contact Michael Rizzo, IACP Project Manager, at [email protected] or call 1-800-THE-IACP ext. 818.