Conference Spotlight: Police Physicians Section Track

Conference Spotlight: Police Physicians Section Track

Written By: iacpblog

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PolicePhysiciansSectionTrackFeatured in this week’s IACP 2014 Education blog series is the Police Physicians Section Track, which focuses on increasing communication between police executives and medical practitioners… all with the goal of bettering the health and wellness of each member of your law enforcement agency. Look for this icon to indicate workshops from this track.

One example of a workshop in this track is “Civilian Response to Mass Casualty Events: The Concept of Pre-First Response.” Learn how to train law enforcement officers AND civilians on providing basic first aid and stabilization techniques to those injured until EMS can arrive.

With body-worn cameras coming to the forefront in policing, another timely seminar you should check out is “Event Video versus Officer Recall: Liability Considerations,” focusing on the differences between what the video recordings of law enforcement proceedings show and what the officer remembers. Donald Dawes, an emergency physician with the Lompoc Valley Medical Center, and Jeffrey Ho, Deputy Sheriff for Meeker County, Minnesota, will present valuable insight on this topic to IACP 2014 attendees.

So if you’re looking to implement tried-and-true methods to improve your department’s medical wellness, come to IACP 2014 and check out the Police Physicians Section Track! Workshops are offered from Sunday, October 26, through Tuesday, October 28.

Have questions? Visit our conference website at to register, book your hotel or browse the online workshop listings!
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