Conference Spotlight: Police Psychological Services Section Track

Conference Spotlight: Police Psychological Services Section Track

Written By: iacpblog

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PolicePyschologicalServicesSectionTrackThe 121st Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Education and Technology Exposition, October 25 through October 28, in Orlando, Florida, is rapidly approaching! Have you considered attending this event to see what’s new in the field of police psychology? If so, then the next track in our IACP 2014 Education blog series will be of interest: the Police Psychological Services Section Track. Look for this icon on our website and in our program to signify workshops from this track.

Here are just a couple of educational sessions available in this track:
  • Impact of Legalized and Medical Marijuana on the Selection of Police Applicants: With marijuana quickly becoming mainstream in the U.S., both recreationally and medically, how do police departments work applicants’ use of the drug into the decision-making progress while protecting rights? Swing by to hear recommendations from the experts on how to handle these situations.
  • A Police Officer's Attentional Process in an Officer-Involved Shooting or Force Encounter: What goes on inside a police officers’ minds when they are suddenly involved in a shooting? Hear from William Lewinski, executive director at Force Science Institute, on the cognitive processes and issues that occur in these scenarios and how to properly equip your officers to deal with them.
These sessions are just a taste of all of the exciting topics in the Police Psychological Services Section Track, offered from Saturday, October 25, through Monday, October 27 – too good to pass up! Don’t forget that Monday, October 27, is IACP’S Host Chief’s Night as well, held at Universal’s Islands of Adventure™!

Questions? Check out the official conference website,
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