Conference Spotlight: Smaller Agency Certificate Track

Conference Spotlight: Smaller Agency Certificate Track

Written By: iacpblog

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SmallerAgencyCertificateTrackFor this week’s IACP 2014 Education blog series, we are featuring the Smaller Agency Certificate Track. Look for this icon on our conference website and app to indicate workshops from this track.

If you are a police executive in a department serving an area with 50,000 or fewer residents, come to IACP 2014 from October 25 through October 28! Since 2001, the Smaller Agency Certificate Track has provided guidance in distinctive challenges facing executives of smaller police departments, like in these two sessions:

Challenging the “Like We Did in the Old Days” Mentality: Making Progressive Changes in a Smaller Department without a Large Budget:  Have you just inherited the top position in a smaller agency and are wondering how to make changes to a system that has been doing things the same way for years? Chief Robert Malasuk of the Village of Greendale, Wisconsin, Police Department, has some helpful insight and words of wisdom for you! Swing by on Sunday, October 26, at 9:30 AM to hear this inspiring workshop.

The Impact of Human Trafficking on Small Communities: Anyone, anywhere, can be a victim of human trafficking – learn how this applies to smaller departments and how they can respond to this crime. Five experts from local and federal law enforcement will share their knowledge on meeting victims’ needs and conducting thorough investigations – so mark Monday, October 27, at 8:00 AM on your itinerary at IACP 2014.

If you have any questions, visit the official conference website at which offers plenty of information on registration, housing, education and networking events.
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