IACP Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative

IACP Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative

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A new opportunity is now available for agencies that respond to victims of crime looking to enhance their response to work-related trauma exposure. The IACP Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative (VTRI) is now accepting applications for up to 12 sites to receive federal funding, customized training, and technical assistance (TTA) to enhance interagency collaboration.

There is growing awareness that individuals responsible for responding to and addressing the needs of crime victims in various professional capacities are impacted through trauma exposure which can lead to adverse effects for the providers, the victims, and the community.

The VTRI aims to identify and develop skills and organizational practices needed to promote healthy, collaborative approaches to address the impact of work-related trauma. Selected sites will receive resources to support employee health, well-being, and resilience.

The IACP will be hosting an informational webinar on June 2, 2020 at 2:00 pm EST to provide further information and answer questions. Register today.  

Applications are due June 29th, 2020.

Please see the FAQs document and VTRI Webpage for more details. For additional information, please contact Tina Dimachkieh, IACP Project Manager, at [email protected] or 1-800-The-IACP ext. 6841 for details.

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