Partnering for Homeland Security: Author Interview

Partnering for Homeland Security: Author Interview

Written By: iacpblog

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IACP talked with Ken Berkowitz, Chief of the Canton, Massachusetts, Police Department. Ken is one of the co-authors of the article “Partnering to Protect the Homeland,” which can be found in the February 2016 issue of Police Chief. You can read the full article on the Police Chief website.

IACP: Why did you write this article?

Chief: We wrote this article so that local police chiefs would have a better understanding of what resources were available to assist them, when their departments were actively involved in conducting homeland security investigations. In addition, we wanted to stress the importance of local departments partnering with federal agencies from the outset of an investigation.

IACP: What do you hope someone will gain from reading the article?

Chief: We hope that after reading the article readers will have a better understanding of what resources are out there to assist them and their departments.

IACP: If you could summarize the importance of partnerships in a few sentences, what would you say?

Chief: We firmly believe the only way we can avert the next terrorist attack is by agencies working together with the singular goal of defeating this faceless enemy. Although federal law enforcement often possesses the best and largest quantity of resources in law enforcement, no one has the intimate knowledge of our jurisdictions more so than the officers who patrol their streets on a daily basis. Clearly, a formidable team to combat terrorism results when agencies and citizens work together. Cultivating these critical partnerships is a necessity in the world of contemporary law enforcement. It is a responsibility we owe to the residents of our communities and the men and women who work for our organizations. It is essential to ensuring the safety of all the citizens of the United States.
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