Recognize an Officer with IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year Award

Recognize an Officer with IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year Award

Written By: iacpblog

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The IACP has extended the deadline for the IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year Award to Friday, July 22, 2016.

IACP15-1212 2015 IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year Finalists

Recent events around the world have heightened the awareness of the dangers law enforcement officers face every day. Many law enforcement officers do not hear the words “thank you” enough. Nominating an officer for the IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year not only allows you to recognize an officer who has done courageous and heroic work for your community, but it helps the IACP and others highlight the extraordinary dedication these officers give every day.

Do you know a police officer who should be nominated for the IACP/Target Police Officer of the Year? Nominate them now! Deadline is now Friday, July 22, 2016.
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