Scholarships for Law Enforcement Officers to Attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference

Scholarships for Law Enforcement Officers to Attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference

Written By: iacpblog

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The goal of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) program is to help law enforcement officers integrate research into their day-to-day work. NIJ is offering 10 merit-based scholarships for mid-rank law enforcement officers to attend the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Expo and participate in an array of special events. The Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois, October 24-27, 2015.

If you are selected to participate in the LEADS program, NIJ will cover the cost of travel, conference registration, per diem expenses and accommodations.

NIJ and the IACP Research Advisory Committee are designing a robust and rewarding educational program for scholarship recipients. In addition to full access to all Conference workshops and exhibit halls, the scholarship includes:
  • Attendance at the NIJ Saturday Session: What Works and What Matters in Policing.
  • Participation in the IACP Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting.
  • Participation in a private roundtable event with NIJ Director Nancy Rodriguez and NIJ Deputy Director Howard Spivak.
  • Participation in a private roundtable event with Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason.
  • Opportunity to network with the 2014 LEADS scholars and be included in forthcoming scholarship programs, possibly including seminars in Washington DC, participation in the NIJ peer review process, and additional roundtables with NIJ subject matter experts.
Eligibility This scholarship program is for mid-level career police professionals who have demonstrated experience partnering with researchers to implement science-based initiatives, or who have infused research into policing policy and practice. Applicants should be sworn officers who are in a position to affect policy and practice within their agencies. Current NIJ grantees are not eligible.

Application Process Deadline: July 10, 2015 Submit the following to Ted Robinson at [email protected]:
  • Current resume.
  • A 400-word essay explaining how attendance will benefit you and your agency, your research interests and how you might integrate research into your agency. Specifically, the essay should include:
    • A brief description of your current roles and responsibilities in your agency.
    • A description of your previous experience partnering with researchers to use scientific methods and findings to inform decisions about policing policy or practice.
    • Specific description of how your participation at the IACP Conference will benefit your agency, including how lessons learned and information gathered will be shared and specific areas of research that are priorities for you or your agency.
  • A letter from your supervisor — on agency letterhead — approving your attendance at the Conference.
Please direct all questions to the email address above. To learn more about the conference, visit the IACP’s Conference Web page.
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