Serving the Leaders of Tomorrow through the National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference

Serving the Leaders of Tomorrow through the National Law Enforcement Exploring Conference

Written By: iacpblog

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IACP staff and representatives just wrapped up a week at Indiana University supporting the National Law Enforcement Exploring (NLEE) Conference. This year nearly 3,000 explorers and their advisors were in attendance for a week of team and individual competitions, educational seminars, fun, and camaraderie.

Law Enforcement Exploring provides educational training programs for high school age men and women on the purposes, mission, and objectives of law enforcement. The program provides career orientation experiences, leadership opportunities, and community service activities.

The IACP has a long-standing relationship with Law Enforcement Exploring.  IACP Past President Richard Clement (1975-1976) of Toms River, NJ, served as the first National Chairman for Law Enforcement Exploring in 1976.  Since that time the Association has held a seat on the NLEE Committee and been actively involved in the planning and execution of Exploring's biannual conference. The IACP organizes the conference career fair, coordinates judging for the Exploring USA exhibition, and this year began sponsoring the sample police written examination.

More than a dozen federal partners contribute staff time and talent to making the conference a reality. Comprising many events and competitions -- from air pistol and drill, to bike patrol and emergency vehicle operations, the Exploring Conference gives explorers a true one-of-a-kind experience -- making memories and building skills that will serve them well into the future.

Support of the NLEE is another great example of the IACP's ongoing commitment to developing the leaders of tomorrow.

Did your agency send a team to this year’s conference? Share your experience with Law Enforcement Exploring or its National Conference in the comments below.

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