Statement of IACP President Richard Beary: Time to Address Violence in Our Communities

Statement of IACP President Richard Beary: Time to Address Violence in Our Communities

Written By: iacpblog

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"This has been a very difficult week. Six officer lives have been lost, one executed while pumping gas. Two journalists were killed on live television. And, a simple Google news search quickly reveals that countless families around the world are mourning loved ones lost as result of violence.

The time has come for us to join together to address the violence that is hurting all of us within our communities. While real and perceived differences exist about how good or challenged community-police relations may be, we are losing too many people to senseless violence. From Charleston, South Carolina, to Paris, France to Lafayette, Louisiana, too many lives have been lost to violence that does not discriminate.

These violent tragedies are not acceptable and it is only by working together that we can stem this tide of horrific violence and ensure that our neighborhoods, businesses, and families are safe. We, police officers and all those within a community, must act with urgency to restore trust and build strong partnerships. We must address any lingering differences by engaging in tough, candid discussions. We must come together and to take an honest look at the issues and the opportunities that exist for our communities. It is only by coming together that we can combat violence, and heal our communities."
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