Take the Police Job Features & Values Survey
What features of the police profession do entry-level officers value most? What job features draw new officers to policing? Job features include things like career advancement, compensation, helping society, personal development, and more.
Help the IACP answer these questions by completing this brief job features survey. Results will help inform development of a new online tool to help prospective police applicants gauge job fit.
The IACP, through our COPS-funded Discover Policing recruitment initiative, is developing an interactive, realistic job preview of entry-level police work. Through a series of animated video scenarios, viewers will experience a virtual day-in-the-life of a patrol officer. Accompanying this job preview will be a brief self-assessment that will help viewers evaluate the extent to which their interests, abilities, and values may align with real entry-level police work.
Help us develop this assessment tool by completing this brief survey. The survey will remain open through June 13, 2014. All current and former sworn law enforcement personnel are welcome and encouraged to participate. The more data we have, the better our tool will be! Please share this link with your colleagues. Responses are confidential and will be summarized in an aggregated format.
Questions about the realistic job preview project or the Discover Policing initiative? Contact Tracy Phillips at 703-647-7273 or [email protected].
Help the IACP answer these questions by completing this brief job features survey. Results will help inform development of a new online tool to help prospective police applicants gauge job fit.
The IACP, through our COPS-funded Discover Policing recruitment initiative, is developing an interactive, realistic job preview of entry-level police work. Through a series of animated video scenarios, viewers will experience a virtual day-in-the-life of a patrol officer. Accompanying this job preview will be a brief self-assessment that will help viewers evaluate the extent to which their interests, abilities, and values may align with real entry-level police work.
Help us develop this assessment tool by completing this brief survey. The survey will remain open through June 13, 2014. All current and former sworn law enforcement personnel are welcome and encouraged to participate. The more data we have, the better our tool will be! Please share this link with your colleagues. Responses are confidential and will be summarized in an aggregated format.
Questions about the realistic job preview project or the Discover Policing initiative? Contact Tracy Phillips at 703-647-7273 or [email protected].