The IACP Launches New Initiative to Assist Law Enforcement Leaders in the Aftermath of Mass Violence

The IACP Launches New Initiative to Assist Law Enforcement Leaders in the Aftermath of Mass Violence

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The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has partnered with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to launch the Mass Violence Advisory Initiative (MVAI). Under this initiative, the IACP will develop and share tools and resources that will help first responder, victim, and community wellbeing and healing in the aftermath of a mass violence incident.

Through the MVAI, the IACP will deploy the Mass Violence Peer-to-Peer Advisory Team, a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) who will provide immediate and ongoing assistance, information, and resources at no cost to help law enforcement leaders and their communities heal in the aftermath of a mass violence incident. This team will be composed of law enforcement professionals such as police chiefs, sheriffs, and public information officers with experience leading their agencies through a mass violence incident. IACP is building out a cadre of SMEs to include mental health and victim services professionals, educators, investigators, victim service personnel, faith and community leaders, and family members that have experienced similar unfortunate situations.

Who can request peer-to-peer assistance?

Any agency who has faced an act of mass violence or any agency looking for additional resources to help guide their community and officers through or following a mass violence incident can request assistance.

Peer-to-peer assistance will be both virtual and in-person based on the agency’s need at the onset of an incident of mass violence.

Visit the MVAI page at for more about the initiative, how to request assistance, and a list of resources.

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