Building Police Agency Capacity: A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Investigations

Building Police Agency Capacity: A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Investigations

A toolkit to enhance police agency capacity to identify and assist human trafficking victims and to conduct trauma-informed and victim-centered investigations.

A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Investigations

A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Cover Page

This Toolkit provides practical tools and resources to assist police agencies in building or enhancing their capacity to identify and assist human trafficking victims and conduct investigations using trauma-informed and victim-centered principles. This resource is targeted to police leaders, officers, investigators, and supervisors.  

Police Response to Human Trafficking: Agency Self-Assessment

Self-Assessment Cover Page


The Police Response to Human Trafficking: Agency Self-Assessment is a tool to assist police agency leadership in determining a baseline of how effective their agency response is to human trafficking and identifying areas of opportunity to enhance their anti-human trafficking efforts.


Police Response to Human Trafficking: Agency Action Planning Guide

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The Police Response to Human Trafficking: Agency Action Planning Guide assists police agency leadership in prioritizing what steps should be taken to enhance agency anti-human trafficking operations.


Policy Considerations for Agency Human Trafficking Response and Investigations

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Policy Considerations for Agency Human Trafficking Response and Investigations provides police professionals with a comprehensive framework to develop, review, or enhance agency human trafficking policies, procedures, and protocols.   


Guidelines for Developing and Vetting Human Trafficking Training

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The Guidelines for Developing and Vetting Human Trafficking Training provides promising practice considerations for police agencies in developing new or selecting existing anti-human trafficking training for their agency. 


Human Trafficking Investigations Tip Sheet

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The Human Trafficking Investigations Tip Sheet provides first responders with steps to facilitate effective victim response and investigation upon identifying potential victims of human trafficking.


Human Trafficking Police Case Report Checklist

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The Human Trafficking Police Case Report Checklist is designed for officers, investigators, and supervisors to use when writing or reviewing case reports, or as a training tool to highlight the information needed for a thorough report. 


Webinar Series

Lightbulb with icons coming out of it

Developing Data-informed Responses to Human Trafficking Online Workshop 

Online workshop to assist police agencies in starting or refining efforts to leverage data to inform human trafficking response strategies. 


Shot from above of farmers in a field

A Hidden Crime: Labor Trafficking in the U.S. Webinar 

Provides foundational insights about labor trafficking, including individuals and industries affected, as well as strategies for identifying labor trafficking cases.

Human trafficking text on document with gavelEvolving Police Responses to Human Trafficking: Lessons Learned from Three Jurisdictions Online Workshop

Coming Fall 2024! IACP will host a diverse panel of police leaders from across the United States to discuss what human trafficking looks like in their communities and how they have evolved their strategies to address this complicated crime. Learn more about IACP resources for police agencies to enhance their capacity to identify and assist victims of human trafficking and to hold offenders accountable.

Demonstration Site Initiative

Metal Wheels with Positive Team Work Words

These tools were developed in collaboration with subject matter experts in the field, a project advisory group, and six police agency demonstration sites. (Project One-Pager)

IACP thanks the six agencies that were involved in this effort and congratulates them on the progress they have made to enhance their agency anti-human trafficking operations:  

For more information on IACP's anti-human trafficking initiatives, including even more resources, visit or contact [email protected]

This toolkit was produced by the International Association of Chiefs of Police under 15POVC-21-GK-03262-HT, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this toolkit are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. 

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