International Road Policing Alliance (IRPA)
The International Road Policing Alliance (IRPA) is a growing organization of police, road safety professionals and partners, with the aim of promoting safer mobility and decreasing deaths and injuries from road crashes worldwide.
Importance of Road Policing: Insights from Matt Langer, Global Policing Director
Matt Langer, IACP Global Policing Director, provides thought provoking comments and inspiration for enforcement officers and agents tasked with road policing and traffic safety. He highlights personal experience from his policing career with emphasis on the vital role of roadside enforcement in a safe systems approach to reducing traffic fatalities. Lastly, he underscores the need for professionalism, accountability, and a focus on the mission of making roads safer, encouraging the traffic agents to use resources from the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
What's New
State Cannabis Laws and Cannabis Positivity Among Fatally Injured Drivers
Over one-third of fatally injured drivers tested positive for cannabis use. Drivers fatally injured in states with laws permitting recreational use of cannabis were significantly more likely to test positive for cannabis use than those in states without such laws. This article details state medical cannabis laws and the impact on the odds of cannabis positivity among fatally injured drivers.
Safer Micromobility Report: Risks and Recommendations for Bicycles, E-Bikes, Scooters, and Other Personal Vehicles Smaller and Lighter than Cars
In 2020, the ITF published Safe Micromobility, a report assessing the safety of micromobility and new mobility services. In the four years since publication, much has changed in terms of the evidence base regarding the safety of micromobility. This report summarizes an analysis of the current evidence base of the most recent micromobility safety trends and risks. It provides safety recommendations for both authorities and micromobility operators in line with the Safe System approach.
Bulgaria considering lowering speed limits on motorways and highways
Cаmеrаѕ wіll nоw ѕеrvе tо іmроѕе fіnеѕ frоm thе Міnіѕtrу оf thе Іntеrіоr as the council of Ministries рrороѕеѕ kеу сhаngеѕ tо thе Rоаd Тrаffіс Асt. This article describes the ѕіgnіfісаnt сhаngеѕ the bill foresees, such as thе ѕрееd lіmіt оn thе соuntrу'ѕ hіghwауѕ as іt іѕ wrіttеn thаt ехсеѕѕіvе аnd іnаррrорrіаtе ѕрееd іѕ thе саuѕе оf оnе thіrd оf trаffіс ассіdеntѕ wіth fаtаlіtіеѕ іn thе Еurореаn Unіоn.
International Road Federation Recommendations on Automated Speed Enforcement
The International Road Federation (IRF) has developed a white paper which acknowledges the inherent accuracy of Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) equipment that has undergone and passed rigorous type approval and calibration mechanisms by a government-certified laboratory. The main purpose is to enable all actors of the speed enforcement chain to understand the high-level principles required to achieve accuracy and integrity of ASE equipment.
Ford's Hands-Free BlueCruise was Active in Fatal Crash, Officials Say
The National Transportation Safety Board has found that Ford's hands-free highway driving assist BlueCruise was active during a fatal crash in February. Its investigation places one of the leading commercially available driving assist under scrutiny, and the outcome might jeopardize the future of automated driving tech in the United States. This article marks the first time a hands-free driving assist system has been observed in a road death.
Mandatory Motorcycle Inspections in France Begins April 15
This article describes the details, compliancy, and technical inspection of category L vehicles, commonly called "two-wheelers", becomes compulsory from April 15. A decision which results from a European directive from 2014, but which had not yet been applied in France. It aims firstly to improve road safety, but also pursues the objective of limiting pollution and noise pollution.
Cannabis and Driving Before and After New York’s Legalization of Cannabis
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) 2018-2019, driving under the influence of cannabis was three times more prevalent than driving under the influence of alcohol without the presence of drugs in New York. Only a small proportion of arrested impaired drivers in New York were charged with drug-impaired driving. This study detail's the finding of the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research.
Analysis of Rising Road Deaths in Ireland 2022-2024
The bleak start to 2024 continues a worrying recent trend for road fatalities in Ireland. Last year was the worst in nearly a decade, with 188 deaths. It has prompted the Prime Minister of Ireland to state that road safety will be 'a priority issue' for him in his new role, yet as recently as five years ago, Ireland was being celebrated within the European Union for road safety, following a reduction in fatalities of over 40%. This article explores what, if anything, has changed.
Traffic Cameras in Ireland to Catch and Fine Drivers Using Mobile Phones
This article details new initiatives being enforced by Irelands Minister of Justice after meeting with the Minister of Transport. Traffic cameras implemented to spot the use of mobile phones behind the wheel resulting in automatic fines, and mobile phones in the lap of drivers resulting in separate action. The cameras would first be rolled out in Dublin and then nationwide in order to catch motorists ignoring red lights and driving in bus lanes.
Speed Enforcement in Chelmsford
Roads Policing officers monitoring the speed of passing motorists through one of the newest sections of road in Chelmsford, have recorded a top speed of 63mph in a 40mph zone. This article explains the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s month-long road safety operation, targeting drivers who were breaking the law by speeding. The focus of the road safety operation throughout April are the offences known collectively as the Fatal Four – including speeding - with the other offences being non-wearing of seatbelts, being distracted by your mobile phone and drink or drug driving.
European Roads Policing Network Report Seat Belt Violations Holding Steady
This article details the results from ROADPOL's latest pan-European operation revealing that out of the 1,256,932 vehicles inspected, police officers detected a staggering 94,771 violations. The violation rate was 13,43% similar to the one of the same operation carried out by ROADPOL a year ago. It's worth noting that this year's participation included ten more countries compared to the previous year. Due to variations in how violations are registered across countries (e.g., adults vs. children, front vs. rear seats), ROADPOL records only the total number of violations this year.
Road to Zero Recommendations for Vehicle-Based Approaches to Prevent Speeding
Speeding is a persistent safety problem that accounts for more than 25% of traffic fatalities each year in the US. Over 12,000 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes in 2021. This article describes several types of technology that can assist a driver in controlling the vehicle's speed.
France: 28% Of Deadly Drivers Both Drunk And Drugged
The problem of driving under the concurrent intoxication of both alcohol and drugs is subject to intensive public debate in France. This article details the concerns and problems of driving under the concurrent intoxication of both alcohol and drugs, as the Minister of Interior joins the debate saying that the specific offense of driving under the dual influence of alcohol and narcotics "remains under-recognized".
Driver Electronic Device Use in 2022 (January 2024)
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (US Department of Transportation), reported the percentage of passenger vehicle drivers talking on handheld phones decreased between 2021 and 2022. In addition, drivers' visible manipulation of handheld devices also declined between these years. More information on the National Occupant Protection Use Survey is available here.
About the International Road Policing Alliance (IRPA)
The primary purpose of this unique alliance is to create an IACP-led by-police for-police network that will allow police and road safety professionals to access information and resources to assist in preventing and reducing traffic fatalities and injuries in their communities. It will also allow non-police professionals, traffic enforcement agencies, and governmental leaders to better engage with road policing professionals, enforcement information, and education.
The IRPA is active and growing its presence as it scales up to be a major facilitator and advocate for road safety and road policing on the global, regional and country levels. We invite those who are interested to sign up for information on joining the alliance and potentially partner with us in this crucially important work.
To get additional information about the IRPA and opportunities for collaboration, please email [email protected] with your name, title, and affiliation.
Resources and Knowledge Products
IRPA knowledge products will draw on the expertise of the IACP and partners to focus on advancing learning and technical capacity. The broader the international reach of the IRPA, and the more expertise that the alliance can draw upon, the more knowledge exchanges between partner organizations will become invaluable, especially exchanges between organizations that might not otherwise have interacted.
Facilitating such exchanges of information and resources is a crucial priority for the IRPA as it continues to grow.
IRPA Online Community
This platform provides an online forum to connect with international law enforcement leaders and road safety professionals to pose questions and share resources, ideas, and successes to support comprehensive approaches to enhancing road safety at global, regional, country and community levels.
Accessing the Platform
To request to join the community, please click the button below. Upon approval, you will receive an email from [email protected] notifying you that you have been added to an online community within IACPengage.
To navigate directly to the IRPA Online Community, please click here. Upon accessing the platform, please enter your IACP log-in credentials by clicking on the 'Sign In' button at the top, right hand corner of the screen.
Join the IRPA Online Community
The IRPA and the Second United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety
The IACP is a partner in the Second United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021 – 2030).
Through IACP’s involvement in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety(BIGRS) and other international projects, promoting road safety, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, is a major strategic priority for IACP.
According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries kill 1.4 million people worldwide annually, with 90% of those fatal injuries taking place in developing countries.
Despite this pressing need, there is no unified international network run by a dedicated global policing organization affiliated to an established global police association or agency to ensure safe mobility internationally. IACP aims to fill this gap with the IRPA.
IACP is the oldest global professional police association for police leaders of its kind, with more than 33,000 members in 173 countries. The IRPA will help ensure that the epidemic of fatal crashes on the world’s roads is given the attention that it deserves by police leaders.
IRPA Advisory Group Members
The IRPA is housed under the Director of Global Policing and is being advised by an international team of experts:
- Trevor Hall, IRPA Co-Chair, Managing Director of Road Safety Support, United Kingdom
- Danny Sharp, IRPA Co-Chair, Police Chief of Oro Valley, Arizona (Ret.)
- Tony Bliss, Director of Road Safety Management Limited, New Zealand, Honorary Senior Fellow Melbourne University, Australia
- Steven Casstevens, IACP Past President, Police Chief of Buffalo Grove, Illinois (Ret.)
- Michael Rapich, IACP Road Safety Committee Chair, Colonel of Utah Highway Patrol
IACP Road Policing and Traffic Safety Resources
Traffic-related fatalities are annually ranked as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The traffic safety initiatives of the IACP are designed to provide resources, guidance, and best practices to the law enforcement community, in an effort to help prevent future loss of life on our roadways and to improve the overall quality of life in our communities.
The IACP's traffic safety portfolio includes collecting promising practices on a variety of road safety issues and programs. View resources that address topics such as the safe, quick clearance of traffic incidents, distracted driving, global policing, speed enforcement, traffic officer safety, commercial vehicles, and other contemporary traffic safety issues.
IRPA External Resources
This library of resources is designed for reference purposes only. The IACP does not necessarily endorse, certify, recommend, or promote any particular resource within. Questions about a resource can be directed to [email protected].
UN Special Envoy for Road Safety
Global Plan: Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
This Global Plan has been developed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Regional Commissions, in cooperation with partners in the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration and other stakeholders, as a guiding document to support the implementation of the Decade of Action 2021–2030 and its objectives
Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023
This Global Status Report on Road Safety presents findings from a unique vantage point on the road to safe mobility. Its specific objectives are to describe the road safety situation in the UN, evaluate gaps in road safety nationally to stimulate action, inspire research on road safety implementation decision-making, and strengthen the network of individuals working on road safety around the world.
Institute of Traffic Engineers Safe System Resources
The Safe System approach differs from conventional safety practice by being human-centered, i.e. seeking safety through a more aggressive use of vehicle or roadway design and operational changes rather than relying primarily on behavioral changes – and by fully integrating the needs of all users of the transportation system.
Vision Zero Network Resource Library
The Vision Zero Network is a collaborative, nonprofit campaign helping communities set and reach the goal of Vision Zero — eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road users — while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility
Guidelines for Regulating Vehicles with Automated Driving Systems
This report to provide information and voluntary recommended guidelines for motor vehicle administrations, law enforcement, manufacturers, and other entities for the safe testing and deployment of vehicles equipped with driving automation systems.
*Chapter Six contains Law Enforcement Considerations when encountering automated vehicles.
External Resources by Specific Country:
United States
What is a Safe Systems Approach - NHTSA
U.S. DOT adopts a Safe System Approach as the guiding paradigm to address roadway safety. The Safe System Approach has been embraced by the transportation community as an effective way to address and mitigate the risks inherent in our enormous and complex transportation system.
Zero Deaths and Safe System - FHA
The zero deaths vision acknowledges that even one death on our transportation system is unacceptable and focuses on safe mobility for all road users.
World Road Association - The Safe System Approach
A Safe System approach within the road transport system is built around the premise that death and injury are unacceptable and are avoidable. This approach seeks to ensure that no road user is subject to kinetic energy exchange in a crash which will result in death or serious long-term disabling injury.
Overview of Vision Zero
In 1997 the Swedish parliament adopted Vision Zero as the basis of road safety work in Sweden. Since the adoption of Vision Zero, the number of fatalities in road traffic has more than halved, while motor vehicle traffic has increased considerably over the same period. This positive trend has levelled off since 2010.
Brief Digital Course on Vision Zero
On October 1997 the Swedish parliament made a historic decision to make Vision Zero the basis of all road safety work in Sweden. This course takes a closer look at what Vision Zero involves.
A Safe System Saves Lives
Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis: a 5-Year Retrospective Italian Study
This project reviewed blood and urine concentrations of cannabinoids in 318 DUI offenders and considered their blood alcohol concentration and the presence of other psychoactive substances.
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Have a Road Policing Challenge?
The IACP maintains a network of road policing and traffic safety experts that include staff, consultants, subject matter experts, and senior law enforcement advisors to achieve specific objectives and meet strategic needs.
Please fill out the form below to request assistance or specific resources according to the nature of your request. Our network of professionals will consult with you, not just on a national level, but on an international level as well.