Resolutions are the cornerstone of IACP’s policy development. Resolutions direct the efforts of the IACP and serve as the guiding statement in accomplishing the work of the association.
Complete resolutions packets that are still valid are available to view below.
For more information on how the resolutions process works, including how to craft a resolution, click here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please first complete a resolutions proposal form located here. Once the proposal has been approved, resolution drafts can be submitted for consideration using this form. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Adopted resolutions are valid for five years.
2025 Resolutions will be posted here as they are adopted.
Intelligent Transportation Systems and its Integration within Law Enforcement
WHEREAS, With the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, Congress introduced a new era for transportation, calling for more efficient...
Interagency Cooperation
WHEREAS, prevention, response, mitigation, and recovery from criminal and terrorist acts is a shared responsibility among all police and law enforcement personnel and organizations; and...
Internet Service Providers
WHEREAS, the Internet is increasingly used to market a multitude of different products for sale, including drug use paraphernalia, and chemicals used to manufacture illegal...
Issuance of Digital License Plates
Submitted by: Highway Safety Committee
WHEREAS, license plates serve one common purpose; to identify motor vehicles; and
WHEREAS, while the International Association of...
Law Enforcement Access to Driver's License Digital Images
WHEREAS, electronic information technology is an integral component of most facets of modern society; and
WHEREAS, continued advancement in electronic information technology is inevitable; and...
Law Enforcement Assistance Funding
WHEREAS, over the past three years state, local, tribal and university law enforcement agencies have been working tirelessly to combat the menace of terrorism in...
Law Enforcement Assistance Funding
WHEREAS, state, local, tribal and university law enforcement agencies have the primary responsibility for protecting the citizens of the United States from crime and violence...
Law Enforcement Drug Intelligence Sharing
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recognizes drug trafficking as a global problem where jurisdictional divisions remain unacknowledged by criminals, and that...
Law Enforcement Oath of Honor
WHEREAS, integrity is acknowledged by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to be one of the most significant needs throughout the world and for...
Law Enforcement Oath of Honor
WHEREAS, integrity is acknowledged by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to be one of the most significant needs throughout the world for...
Law Enforcement Support of a Diverse Work Force
Law enforcement in the United States at many times serves as the foundation of a free democracy. Law enforcement tasks are meant to enforce the...
Law Enforcement Voluntary Fitness / Wellness Task Group
WHEREAS, the performance of essential tasks by a police officer can be physically demanding; and
WHEREAS, participation in physical training is an important part of...
Leadership Commitment to Human and Civil Rights
WHEREAS, criminal acts motivated by prejudice are repugnant and violate fundamental values of human and civil rights; and
WHEREAS, to promote public confidence in the...
Legislation Establishing an Electronic Log Book for Pseudoephedrine, Ephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine Sales
WHEREAS, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine are found in both prescription and over-the-counter products, including those frequently used to relieve nasal or sinus congestion caused by...
Live Video Testimony
WHEREAS, the efficiency of the criminal justice system often depends on the timely analysis of forensic evidence, and
WHEREAS, the time required to present...
Local Community Drug Abuse and Prevention Strategy Meeting
WHEREAS, the use of illegal drugs, including marijuana, has been proven to harm the mental and physical development of children and young adults and result...
Mandatory Destruction of Firearms
WHEREAS, the widespread unlawful use, possession and sale of firearms is directly related or contributes to the number one cause of duty related deaths of...
Mandatory Seat Belt Use by Police Officers
WHEREAS, the first responsibility of government, as well as government leaders, is to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens and the lives...
Mandatory Vest Use by Police Officers
WHEREAS, the first responsibility of government, as well as government leaders, is to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens and the lives...
Manual of Model PTS Policies & Procedures
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, in 1963 adopted a resolution approving policy guidelines for police administrators in the enforcement of traffic laws...