Resolutions are the cornerstone of IACP’s policy development. Resolutions direct the efforts of the IACP and serve as the guiding statement in accomplishing the work of the association.
Complete resolutions packets that are still valid are available to view below.
For more information on how the resolutions process works, including how to craft a resolution, click here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please first complete a resolutions proposal form located here. Once the proposal has been approved, resolution drafts can be submitted for consideration using this form. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Adopted resolutions are valid for five years.
2024 Resolutions:
- Incorporation of Rapid DNA in Mass Disaster Response Plans
- Including Any Impairing Substance or Drug in Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) Statutes
- Support for ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 2023 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard
- Management of Behavioral Health Emergencies
- Support for the National Move Over Initiative
- Implementation of Forensic Science Standards
- Collaboration on Medicolegal Death Investigation
In Support of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Law Enforcement
WHEREAS, small Unmanned Aircraft Systems operated by law enforcement agencies play a vital role in supporting police operations, including search and rescue, crime scene...
In Support of the Establishment of a Nationally Accessible Database for Decertified Law Enforcement Officers
WHEREAS, the members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) support and encourage the highest standards of conduct in themselves and the people...
In Support of the Repeal of the Requirement for States to Pay Interest to the Federal Government When Receiving Homeland Security Grant Funding (Cash Management Improvement Act)
WHEREAS, in 1990, the Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA) was an amendment to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 31 U.S.C. 6503; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions...
Inclusion of University/College Police in the Eligibility for Federal Line-of-Duty Death Benefits
WHEREAS, there are literally several hundred law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect the public’s safety on our nation’s university...
Inclusion of University/College Police in the Law Enforcement Exception to the Gun Control Act of 1968 as Amended by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 for the Acquisition and Possession of High-Capacity Magazines
WHEREAS, there are literally several hundred law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect the public’s safety on our nation’s university...
Incorporation of Racial Background as a Data Element on Driver's Licenses
WHEREAS, national concerns have been raised regarding the extent to which racial profiling may or may not exist as a triggering element in traffic stops...
Increased Drug Use by Youth
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police recognizes the importance of providing a strong and clear message to the youth of the world concerning...
Increased Use of Drug Recognition Experts (DREs)
WHEREAS, it is important to recognize drug impairment as a cause in fatal and serious collisions; and
WHEREAS, alcohol and drug-related crashes, deaths, and injuries...
Increased Use of Vehicle Crash Data
WHEREAS, the technological capability to record critical elements that occur prior to and during a motor vehicle crash including speed, direction, braking, seatbelt use, airbag...
Increased Violence Against Law Enforcement Officers and Civilians
WHEREAS, marijuana remains the most widely used illicit substance in the United States and Europe; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. Forest Service noted that, as...
Increasing Data Collection on Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty in Motor Vehicle Crashes
WHEREAS, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collects data on law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty; and
WHEREAS, a significant number of...
Increasing Law Enforcement Awareness of and Enhancing the Response to Hate Crimes and Crimes Motivated by Bias
WHEREAS, too many people in our communities are targeted for violence on the basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation...
Increasing Public Education and Outreach on the Value and Oversight of Asset Forfeiture
WHEREAS, the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program encompasses the seizure and forfeiture of assets that represent the proceeds of, or were used to...
Increasing Safety for Law Enforcement Personnel and First Responders In Response to the Dangers of Fentanyl
WHEREAS, fentanyl is a Schedule II controlled substance as set forth in the Controlled Substances Act; and
WHEREAS, under medical supervision, fentanyl is...
Increasing the Awareness of the Lethality of Intimate Partner Strangulation
WHEREAS, strangulation is an indicator of the escalation of violence and associated with increased risk of serious injury and/or death in cases of intimate...
Increasing the Penalties for Identity Theft
WHEREAS, the theft of an individual’s identity (name, address, social security number, etc.) is a growing problem in the United States, costing citizens and commercial...
Indian Country Funding
WHEREAS, citizens who reside on Native American reservations should be able to expect and enjoy the same degree of personal security and freedom from crime...
Information Sharing
WHEREAS, cooperation and the sharing of information among law enforcement agencies are essential toward the common goal of making the greatest impact on crime within...
Information Technology Standards
WHEREAS, local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies must leverage information technology to operate efficiently and effectively; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of information technology...
Initiative to Enhance Collection and Dissemination of Street Gang Intelligence
WHEREAS the April 2008 Attorney Generals Report to Congress on the Growth of Violent Street Gangs in Suburban Areas advises that gangs are present...