IACP Sample Training Materials
This section includes examples of training presentations, videos, and brochures used by law enforcement agencies. Materials marked “reproducible” have the logos and other identifying information from the source agency removed to allow agencies to reproduce these for their own use. For presentations, advance through slides to view all information. Expect a slight delay for loading videos.
California Highway Patrol Training Program Resources
CHP Suicide Training Program: "Not One More" (PPT)
CHP Peer Trainer Suicide Prevention Program Training Notes – accompaniment to CHP Training Presentation
This is a word version of a suicide letter referenced in CHP Suicide Trained Trainer Program Allied Agency Version
Suicide Interviews CHP - accompaniment to CHP Training Program (QuickTime Movie) 18 min
Suicide Prevention Brochures
Suicide Prevention Training Presentations
Suicide Prevention Training Videos
More Sample Suicide Prevention Program Materials
These resources were compiled by the IACP Police Psychological Services Section with assistance from: