External Resources - Youth & Police

External Resources - Youth & Police

Youth Offenders & Discipline

Reduce aggressive law enforcement tactics with youth.

Reform policies and procedures that push children into the juvenile justice system.

Work with schools to create alternatives to student suspensions and expulsion through restorative justice, diversion, counseling, and family interventions.

Work with schools to adopt instructional approach to discipline that helps students develop positive behavior and problem-solving skills.

Develop school discipline policies with input from schools and the community that prohibit use of corporal punishment and electronic control devices.

Work with schools to create continuum of appropriate and proportional consequences.

Work with communities to play a role in programs and procedures to reintegrate juvenile offenders.

Establish memoranda of agreement for and limit involvement of SROs in student discipline.

Develop community, school, and evidence-based programs that mitigate punitive solutions.

Youth Engagement & Interaction


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