External Resources - Youth & Police
Youth Offenders & Discipline
Reduce aggressive law enforcement tactics with youth.
- Youth Focused Policing Agency Self-Assessment
- Improving Law Enforcement Responses to Adolescent Girls
- The Effects of Adolescent Development on Policing
- Reducing Risks: An Executive's Guide to Effective Juvenile Interview and Interrogation
- Juvenile Interview and Interrogation Techniques Online Training Series
- Preparing and Responding to Cyberbullying: Tips for Law Enforcement
- IACP Institute for Police-Youth Engagement
- The Officer's Role in Responding to Traumatized Children
- Youth Violence Prevention Site Examples
- Positive Youth Justice
- Tackling Youth Crime and Disorder
- Research on Policing & Young People
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Reform policies and procedures that push children into the juvenile justice system.
- Effective Youth Diversion Strategies for Law Enforcement
- IACP Institute for Police-Youth Engagement
- Program Impact Tools
- Improving Approaches to Serving Youth
- Summit on Leadership in Juvenile Justice
- Promising Practices in Juvenile Justice
- Juvenile Justice Reform
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Work with schools to create alternatives to student suspensions and expulsion through restorative justice, diversion, counseling, and family interventions.
- The Role of School Resource Officers in Schools Webinar
- Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools
- Keeping Young People in School
- Lowell, MA Attendance Awareness Campaign
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Work with schools to adopt instructional approach to discipline that helps students develop positive behavior and problem-solving skills.
- School-Wide Positive Behavior
- Evidence-based School-Wide Positive Behavior
- School-Wide Positive Behavior FAQs
- School Safety & Violence Prevention
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Develop school discipline policies with input from schools and the community that prohibit use of corporal punishment and electronic control devices.
- The Role of School Resource Officers in Schools Webinar
- Safe School Planning
- Using School COP
- Safe Youth, Safe Schools
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Work with schools to create continuum of appropriate and proportional consequences.
- The Role of School Resource Officers in Schools Webinar
- To Protect & Educate
- Discipline Guidance Package
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Work with communities to play a role in programs and procedures to reintegrate juvenile offenders.
- Intensive Aftercare Program
- Reducing Youth Recidivism
- Youth Engagement & Intervention
- Community Treatment Programs for Juveniles
- SC DOJJ Community Service Programs & Initiatives
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Establish memoranda of agreement for and limit involvement of SROs in student discipline.
- The Role of School Resource Officers in Schools Webinar
- Model MOU
- Clear & Concise MOU is Essential
- Assigning Officers to Schools
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Develop community, school, and evidence-based programs that mitigate punitive solutions.
Youth Engagement & Interaction
Create opportunities in schools and communities for positive non-enforcement interactions with police.
- Youth Engagement Via Non-Traditional Sports
- Police Legitimacy & Youth Engagement
- Department Wide Youth Outreach
- MAY Program
- Coach 5-0
- C.H.E.E.R.S.
- Connecticut Youth Development Programs
- Juvenile Justice Jeopardy
- Bigs in Blue
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Offer joint youth-police training opportunities (citizen academies, ride-alongs, problem-solving teams).
- IACP Institute for Police-Youth Engagement
- Youth Police Academy
- Explorers Program
- Cadet Training Program
- Camp Cadet Program
- Junior Public Safety Academy
Work with schools to encourage the use of alternative strategies that involve youth in decision making, such as restorative justice, youth courts, and peer interventions.
- School-Based Youth Court
- Youth Focused Policing Program Directory
- Center for Restorative Youth Justice
- Alternative Community Youth Justice Programs
- School Justice Partnership Resource Center
Facilitate youth-led problem solving and leadership training.
Create programs for positive interaction with youth.