Internal Resources - Policy
Use of Force
Adopt clear and comprehensive policies on the use of force that include training, investigations, prosecutions, data collection, and information sharing, and share these with the public.
- National Consensus Policy on Use of Force
- Emerging Use of Force Issues
- Officer-Involved Shootings
- Officer-Involved Shootings Investigations
- Officer Involved Shootings Guidelines
- National Consensus Policy on Use of Force
Emphasize de-escalation and alternatives to arrest.
Mandate external and independent criminal investigations in cases of police use of force resulting in death.
Mandate external and independent prosecutors in police use of force cases.
Policies on use of force should clearly state what types of information will be released, when, and in what situation.
- Public Relations & Reputation Management
- Considerations for Use-of-Force Policies
- Albuquerque Use of Force Policy
- Las Vegas Metro Use of Force Policy
- Baltimore Use of Force Policy
Adopt a use of force model that incorporates use of less lethal weapons.
Mass Demonstrations
Policies on mass demonstrations should minimize use of provocative tactics and equipment.
Policies should address procedures for implementing a layered response to mass demonstrations that prioritize de-escalation and a guardian mindset.
- Planning for Safe Demonstrations
- Managing Mass Demonstrations
- Lessons from Police Response to Ferguson Demonstrations
Community Involvement
Involve the community in the process of developing and evaluating policies and procedures.
- Children of Arrested Parents Toolkit
- Seattle Body-Worn Cameras
- Cleveland Community Engagement with Body Worn Cameras
Develop policies that reinforce importance of community engagement in managing public safety.
Engage communities when developing policies for use of new technology.
Vulnerable Populations
Review and/or adopt policies toward vulnerable populations, including limiting use of physical control to a last resort.
- Children of Arrested Parents Toolkit
- Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law
Enforcement - Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence Training
- Alzheimer’s Initiative
- Drug Endangered Children
- Tucson’s Mental Health Investigative Support Team
- One Mind Campaign
- Mental Health
- Children Exposed to Violence
Implement policies and training on cultural diversity/sensitivity, including interactions with the LGBTQ population, the Muslim, Arab and south Asian communities and immigrant or non-English speaking groups.
- Transgender Awareness Training
- Gender, Sexuality, and 21st Century Policing
- Building Relationships with Transgender Individuals
- Policing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Young People
Establish search and seizure procedures related to LGBTQ and transgender populations.
Other Key Policy Considerations
Make all department policies publicly available.
- Open Data in Policing
- Madison Code of Conduct
- Madison Standard Operating Procedures
- Public Safety Open Data Portal
Police-community contacts (procedural justice) - underscore the importance of language used and adopt policies directing officers to speak to individuals with respect.
- Children of Arrested Parents Toolkit
- Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law
Enforcement - Protecting and Serving: Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence Training
- Teaching Respectful Police-Citizen Encounters
- Building Trust with Communities
Require officers to wear seatbelts and bullet-proof vests, and provide related training.
- Traffic Safety Tips
- Mandatory Vest Use by Police Officers Policy
- Female Body Armor
- Traffic Safety Considerations
- Body Armor
Develop policies and procedures on social media that define acceptable use by staff in both official and unofficial capacities.
Adopt and enforce policies prohibiting profiling and discrimination.
Develop school discipline policies with input from schools community that prohibit use of corporal punishment and electronic control devices.
- School Policies & Procedures for Physical Restraint and Seclusion
- Safe School Planning
- Using School COP
- Safe Youth, Safe Schools
Reinforce policies for the prevention of sexual misconduct and harassment.