Leading by Legacy - Community Publications
- A Guide to Reducing Crime and Disorder Through Problem-Solving Partnerships
- Addressing Foreclosed and Abandoned Properties
- Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance: A Framework Document
- Bridging the Language Divide: Promising Practices for Law Enforcement
- Collaboration Toolkit: How to Build, Fix, and Sustain Productive Partnerships
- Community Justice In Rural America-Four Examples and Four Futures
- Defining the Problem: Using Data to Plan an Community Justice Program
- Gotcha Moments
- A Guide to Results-Oriented Government and Performance Measurement
- Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses
- Innovations in Police Recruitment and Hiring
- Making Every Encounter Count: Building Trust and Confidence in the Police
- Media Relations and Police Budgeting: A successful equation
- Mediating Citizen Complaints Against Police Officers: A Guide For Police and Community Leaders
- Model Policy on Volunteers
- Partnering With Businesses To Address Public Safety Problems
- Rethinking Law Enforcement Strategies to Present Domestic Violence
- Surveying Communities-A Resource for Community Justice Planners
- Victim Services in Rural Law Enforcement
- Vital Partners-Mayors and Police Chiefs Working Together for America's Children and Youth
- Volunteer Programs