Murder in America
- Exercise leadership to develop community-wide murder reduction strategies.
- Intervene against all forms of violence as early and decisively as possible.
- Intensify use of community policing and murder-specific problem-solving
- Intensify use of tactical teams and task forces to regain control of high crime and violent environments.
- Maximize substance abuse prevention and enforcement programming.
- Use emerging technology to improve homicide clearance rates.
- Enhance ability of police to conduct field-based (patrol car) record and warrant checks.
- Supply responding officers with enhanced domestic dispute and violence history information.
- Improve witness protection in violent crime cases.
- Acknowledge and reward successful efforts by officers to reduce gun-related violence and murder.
- Intensify use of gun buy-back programs.
- Intensify efforts to improve physical plant security (target-hardening) for community businesses and facilities.
- Create crime advisory committees to assist law enforcement agencies with murder reduction.
- Involve all segments of the community in violence and murder prevention and control, including the business community.
- Augment detention capacity by adapting existing available facilities such as closed military bases.
- Intensify alcohol consumption reduction programs.
- Provide cash and other incentives to citizens for information on violent crimes and crimes involving use of guns.
- Provide safe havens for youth after normal school hours.
- Increase use of risk factor assessments for children by schools and health professionals.
- Provide additional shelters for abused women and children.
- Expand use of electronic monitoring of domestic/intimate violence and other offenders who are granted intensive probation.
- Increase sanctions for gun-involved crimes, particularly robberies.
- Allow police to seize weapons during domestic/intimate violence calls.
- Prohibit gun ownership by stalkers and intimate and domestic violence offenders.
- Reorient the juvenile justice system to promote swift and sure intervention against career juvenile offenders.
- Allow police to photograph, fingerprint, and document criminal behavior of career juvenile offenders.
- Allow interagency and interstate sharing of juvenile information among police and other agencies.
- Require a 72-hour cooling-off period in domestic violence cases.
- Expand mandatory hospital and medical personnel reporting of suspected violence caused injury.
- Require states to enact "responsible beverage service" laws.
- Raise the minimum drinking age, increase state or central control of alcohol sales, and limit prevalence of liquor stores through stringent store/population ratios.
- Intensify programs to teach citizens how to avoid becoming victims of violent crime.
- Conduct symposia to promote and increase school administrators' support for anti-violence programs.
- Train teachers to identify, confront, and control violent and potentially violent students and situations.
- Conduct school awareness programs to deglorify violence and violent offenders.
- Train students in elementary, middle, and high schools in dispute resolution techniques.
- Train police officers to recognize and respond to different types of violence, including domestic and intimate.
- Provide comprehensive ethnic and cultural awareness training to law enforcement officers.
- Conduct nationwide public service announcement campaigns emphasizing family values, the dangers of firearms in the home, and targeting various forms of violence.