Automated Speed Enforcement

Automated Speed Enforcement


WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and its member Departments are fully committed to reducing the number of roadway deaths and injuries; and

WHEREAS, there were over 13,000 speeding-related fatalities nationally in 2005, representing approximately 30 percent of total traffic fatalities, and many thousands more injured motorists; and

WHEREAS, law enforcement agencies, with increasing responsibility and without commensurate increases in staffing levels, are considering technologies to improve their efficiency; and

WHEREAS, automated speed enforcement, when used in conjunction with traditional means of traffic enforcement and public education, may become a viable option to complement law enforcement traffic safety efforts; and

WHEREAS, the IACP recognizes problematic issues with automated speed enforcement programs that are not carefully planned, implemented, or operated; and

WHEREAS, the IACP State & Provincial Highway Safety Committee has drafted guidelines and policy considerations to improve automated speed enforcement programs; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the IACP will advocate for safety improvements to be the highest purpose for automated speed enforcement, and to achieve durable safety benefits, the IACP urges a strong focus on gaining and maintaining the support of the public and the judiciary; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that law enforcement agencies are encouraged to use the IACP automated speed enforcement guidelines and policy considerations to assist in the development of legislation, policy, and program plans, as well as to guide implementation and operational activities; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that automated speed enforcement must be deployed to high-collision locations and without regard to fine revenues; must be free from undue vendor influence; must be extraordinarily accurate; and used only in conjunction with traditional traffic enforcement.


Resolution No. S&P.033.a07


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