Brady Extension Act

Brady Extension Act


WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police strongly supported the passage of the “Brady Act” which required the completion of the background investigation before a handgun purchase could be completed, and,

WHEREAS, because of the time involved in performing the background check under the current system a five day waiting period was enacted, and,

WHEREAS, aside from providing time for the completion of the background checks, the five day waiting period served as an informal cooling off period for handgun purchasers, and,

WHEREAS, the National Instant Check Background System will be operational after November 30, 1998 which means that a handgun purchaser could have their background check completed in a matter of minutes and be cleared to take the gun home with them. Thus, there is no “cooling off” period, and,

WHEREAS, the IACP has previously approved resolutions that called for the creation of mandatory waiting periods of seven and fourteen days, and,

WHEREAS, the Brady Extension act, legislation which was introduced in Congress this year, would establish a mandatory three day waiting period in order to ensure that a ‘cooling off’ period is in place after the transition to the National Instant Check Background system takes place this fall; now therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police support the Brady Extension Act which would create a mandatory three day waiting purchase prior to the completion of a handgun purchase.


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