Criminal Victimization of the Elderly
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs recognizes that the proportion of the population becoming senior citizens is increasing at a significant rate in many countries of the world;[1] and
WHEREAS, senior citizens present a unique challenge, as well as an important source of support, to the law enforcement community; and
WHEREAS, ongoing vulnerability and victimization by fraudulent incidents of crime and abuse appear to be greater for the elderly[2]; and
WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon law enforcement agencies to formulate and execute policies and procedures to provide protection and services to this segment of the population; and
WHEREAS, every police agency is charged with the duty to assure the public sense of safety and security that, in turn, affects the quality of life of its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, crime prevention provides a viable framework for the delivery of police service that focuses limited resources on issues specific to individual communities. Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) will hereby take a leadership role in raising the consciousness of the global law enforcement community to the needs and concerns of senior citizens; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IACP will encourage and actively promote cooperative, coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to address the criminal victimization of the elderly; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IACP will encourage the development of investigators whose specialty is the investigation of abuse and exploitation of the elderly.
Submitted by: Crime Prevention Committee
Co-Sponsored by: Victim Services Committee