Fight Crime by Investing in Kids

Fight Crime by Investing in Kids


WHEREAS, police chiefs are dedicated to public safety; and

WHEREAS, the 19,000 members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police work continuously to fight crime and remove dangerous criminals from our communities; and

WHEREAS, rigorous scientific research and our years of experience on the front lines show that we can greatly reduce crime by providing quality after-school and educational child care programs for working families, interventions to get troubled kids back on track; and child abuse and neglect programs for at-risk parents; and

WHEREAS, investments like these more than pay for themselves in reduced crime and associated costs, reduced welfare and remedial education costs, and the increased revenue generated by the increased productivity of workers; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the IACP calls on all public officials to fully fund the crime prevention programs cited in the Fight Crime: Invest in Kids’ School and Youth Violence Prevention Plan, including after-school programs, quality educational child care programs, programs that help get troubled kids back on track, and programs proven to improve deficient parenting and prevent child abuse and neglect.


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