Fingerprinting Technology Applied to Private Security Personnel

Fingerprinting Technology Applied to Private Security Personnel


WHEREAS, the IACP has a productive and continuing relationship with key elements of private security relating to public safety, and

WHEREAS, private industry now employs more than twice as many security officer personnel as the combined commissioned strength of all federal, state, county and municipal law enforcement, and

WHEREAS, as many as ten states do not sufficiently oversee private security officer business practices via regulatory controls which often block private security firms from conducting fingerprint based criminal records checks, and

WHEREAS, the Department of Defense has a pool of nearly 2,500,000 members requiring security clearance background checks, and

WHEREAS, many other public and private sector activities involving educators, care providers and volunteers, as well as employees holding sensitive positions, need the benefits of fingerprint based records checks, and

WHEREAS, with the launching of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) and the establishment of the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact (Compact), there now exists both the technology and empowered governing body to guide this important function, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the IACP encourages every state to provide a process through which those individuals who should be screened through fingerprint-based records checks are effectively reviewed as a basis for their entrustment, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IACP supports the efforts of the Compact and encourages uniformity in state legislation guiding fingerprint-based criminal records checks that appropriately strengthens public safety and national defense.


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