MDMA Demand Reduction
WHEREAS, proliferation of the abuse of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and other commonly referred to “Club Drugs” that primarily target young adults, is reaching epidemic proportions within the United States; and WHEREAS, the scope and nature of the trafficking organizations involved are increasing in number and sophistication; and WHEREAS, it is absolutely imperative that public awareness be increased regarding the scope and dangers of MDMA, as well as other “Club Drugs” abuse; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that many in law enforcement, demand reduction, and treatment fields are ill prepared to address this problem from a demand reduction perspective; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that a large portion of the general public continues to have the perception that MDMA is harmless, and this false belief must be overcome; and law enforcement, demand reduction, and treatment professionals must counter the misinformation and “bad science” that is being promulgated via the Internet and through other means regarding the use of MDMA; and WHEREAS, increasing resources need to be dedicated to the research and scientific study of the effects of MDMA on the human body so that the scientific and medical information regarding the dangers of MDMA abuse are developed to the fullest; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police duly assembled at its 108th Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada, advocates combating the MDMA epidemic and “Club Drug” abuse through strict enforcement of existing laws combined with a vigorous, multi-faceted demand reduction program. This approach must involve developing aggressive and innovative demand reduction and treatment programs, identifying target user populations, and delivering the information to the selected groups through use of available technology (i.e. the Internet) and through one-on-one and group interactions with trained demand reduction professionals.