Policy Recommendations from 2004 Private Security/Public Policing Summit

Policy Recommendations from 2004 Private Security/Public Policing Summit


WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) convened a National Policy Summit (hereinafter, “the Summit”) on January 26-27, 2004, entitled “Building Private Security/Public Policing Partnerships to Prevent and Respond to Terrorism and Public Disorder;” and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Summit was to identify areas in which leaders in law enforcement and private security can better serve the public safety needs through cooperative partnerships to share information and coordinate activities through communication; and

WHEREAS, this Summit was the first event to bring together executives from the private sector and from all levels of law enforcement; and

WHEREAS, Summit participants were tasked with creating an action agenda to further the interests of creating and sustaining such partnerships; and

WHEREAS, through the efforts of the Summit’s six working groups, participants recommended four national-level, long-term efforts and a fifth, relating to local and regional efforts that could begin immediately:

  • Leaders of the major law enforcement and private security organizations should make a formal commitment to cooperation.
  • The Department of Homeland Security and/or Department of Justice should fund research and training on relevant legislation, private security, and law enforcement–private security cooperation. The appropriate body should conduct both baseline and ongoing research and should encourage training.
  • The Department of Homeland Security and/or Department of Justice should create an advisory council composed of nationally prominent law enforcement and private security professionals to oversee the day-to-day implementation issues of law enforcement–private security partnerships. The advisory council would work to institutionalize partnerships, address tactical issues and intelligence sharing, improve selection and training guidelines and standards of private security personnel, market the concept of law enforcement– private security partnership, and create a national partnership information center.
  • The Department of Homeland Security and/or Department of Justice, along with relevant membership organizations, should convene key practitioners to move this agenda forward in the future. It should do so by organizing future summits on issues in law enforcement–private security cooperation.
  • Local partnerships should set priorities and address key problems as identified by the summit. Examples of local and regional activities that can and should be undertaken immediately include the following: • Improve joint response to critical incidents. • Coordinate infrastructure protection. • Improve communications and data interoperability. • Bolster information and intelligence sharing. • Prevent and investigate high-tech crime. • Devise responses to workplace violence.

WHEREAS, efforts to discern advancement of these recommendations have not yielded positive results to a majority of the committee’s members; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED that the International Association of Chiefs of Police, through its elected and chosen leadership, should coordinate with the Summit’s principals a fact finding meeting to ascertain the current status of each recommendation and share with the Private Sector Liaison Committee its findings with regard to furthering of the Summit’s identified mission and purpose; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED that if the IACP leadership determines that no significant activity has furthered accomplishment of the itemized recommendations, they should designate a Board of Officers liaison and a staff liaison to assist the Private Sector Liaison Committee to move these critical recommendations forward.


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