Preventing Children Unauthorized Access to Firearms

Preventing Children Unauthorized Access to Firearms



Preventing Children Unauthorized Access to Firearms


Submitted by the Firearms Committee and Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Committee


Passed: November 2016



WHEREAS, reports of unsupervised children gaining unauthorized access to firearms and unwittingly causing grave harm to themselves and to others are wide spread and in the news much too frequently; and


WHEREAS, many of these unintentional shootings take place within the curtilage of a home or a vehicle belonging to the child's parent, relative or friend and often with firearms legally owned but not adequately secured; and


WHEREAS, the majority of these unintentional shootings could have been avoided if the persons charged with custody and control of the firearms had taken reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to them; and


WHEREAS, there is widespread support among parents, educators, law enforcers, public officials, firearm experts and interest groups for new and increased efforts to prevent the tragic loss of life associated with children and their unauthorized access to firearms emphasizing: adult responsibility and firearm safety and security; now; therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that the IACP views the matter of unintentional shootings involving children who have gained unauthorized access to firearms as generally preventable tragedies if people responsible for custody and control over firearms simply undertake reasonable precautions to secure them. The IACP is committed to raising awareness about the causes and effects of this unique problem and views it as a first step in a series designed to encourage voluntary action on the part of gun owners and others entrusted with firearms to ensure that they have effective measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to the firearms in their care.



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