Proposed Changes in Federal Law Regarding Fictitious Financial Instruments and Counterfeit Access Devices

Proposed Changes in Federal Law Regarding Fictitious Financial Instruments and Counterfeit Access Devices


WHEREAS, the advances in technology have made financial transactions increasingly vulnerable to fraudulent criminal acts utilizing easily produced documents; and

WHEREAS, the fuel economy of motor vehicles is double that of twenty years ago; and

WHEREAS, emissions for motor vehicles have been reduced by 96 percent during that same time period; and

WHEREAS, federal motor vehicle safety standards, along with improvements in education and enforcement, have reduced the highway death toll by 30 percent during this period of time; and

WHEREAS, Congress is considering legislation that would freeze corporate average fuel economy standards at the current 27.5 miles-per-gallon for passenger cars and 20.7 miles-per-gallon for light trucks; and

WHEREAS, significant increases in fuel economy can only be accomplished through enormous reduction in the size and weight of vehicles; and

WHEREAS, Congress has consistently allowed larger and heavier commercial vehicles to ply our nation’s highways; and

WHEREAS, research has shown that as cars and light trucks are downsized, their occupants are less likely to survive traffic crashes without death or serious injury; and

WHEREAS, the occupants of police vehicles are especially likely to be involved in traffic crashes due to the nature of their duties; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), duly assembled at its 103rd annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona, urges Congress to freeze corporate average fuel economy standards at current levels until technological advances or other circumstances allow higher gas mileage standards without compromising highway safety.


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