Support for the ROADPOL Safety Days Initiative
Submitted by: Individual Member
WHEREAS, the last Global Status Report on Road Safety, released by the World Health Organization (WHO), highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached more than 1.2 million. Road traffic injuries are now the leading killer of people aged 5–29 years. The burden is disproportionately borne by pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. The report suggests that the price paid for mobility is too high, especially because proven measures exist. Drastic action is needed to put these measures in place to meet any future global target that might be set and save lives; and
WHEREAS, building on the Moscow Declaration of 2009 and on the Brasilia Declaration of 2015, UN General Assembly and World Health Assembly resolutions, the Stockholm Declaration on Road Safety of 2020 asks for the adoption of sub-national, national, and regional road safety strategies, targets, and actions to meet the target to halve road deaths and serious injuries by 2030, and recognizes the importance of regional initiatives for road safety on behavioral risks such as speeding;, drinking and driving; and failing to use seat belts, child restraints, and motorcycle helmets, and the implementation of proven measures to mitigate such risks, which could save hundreds of thousands of lives annually; and
WHEREAS, organized by ROADPOL – European Roads Policing Network (previously TISPOL), the Safety Days initiative provides activities and events that raise awareness of risks road users may encounter and promote safe behavior and the respect of traffic rules; and
WHEREAS, ROADPOL Safety Days’ key message is: If each road user makes small changes to reduce their own risk and their risk to other road users, then together we can make big improvements. The ultimate objective is to eliminate the number of people killed every day on Europe's roads; now, let it be
RESOLVED, that the IACP supports ROADPOL Safety Days initiative; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the IACP suggests the organization of similar initiatives at global, regional, national, or state levels.