Supporting the Use of Law Enforcement Event, Target, and Investigative Data Deconfliction in the United States

Supporting the Use of Law Enforcement Event, Target, and Investigative Data Deconfliction in the United States


Submitted by: Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Committee



WHEREAS, there is a need for domestic law enforcement agencies at all levels to increase investigative collaboration and the sharing of criminal information in order to target and dismantle criminal organizations and operations effectively;41 and

WHEREAS, event and target deconfliction are necessary for officer safety and investigative collaboration among federal, state, local, tribal, territorial (FSLTT), and international law enforcement communities;42 and

WHEREAS, event deconfliction is the process of determining when law enforcement personnel are conducting an event in close proximity to one another at the same time, such as search warrants, undercover operations, and surveillance43 and

WHEREAS, target and investigative data deconfliction notifies law enforcement personnel when multiple parties are conducting an investigation focused on the same target or have an interest in the same investigative details;44 and

WHEREAS, with more than 800,000 sworn officers throughout the United States, it is essential that law enforcement agencies integrate target and investigative data deconfliction into agency operations;45 and

WHEREAS, the Nationwide Deconfliction Pointer Solution (NDPS) is an event, target, and investigative data deconfliction pointer system that interfaces with existing systems to determine whether any participating agency has an interest in the same event, investigative target, and/or investigative data;46and

WHEREAS, the Nationwide Deconfliction Council (NDC), comprised of representatives from the FSLTT law enforcement community, facilitates and expands nationwide deconfliction through NDPS development and maintenance, serves as a forum for FSLTT representatives to discuss deconfliction- related matters, and promotes systematic deconfliction by all FSLTT law enforcement entities; and

WHEREAS, agency personnel can contact the NDC to identify and obtain access to systems participating in NDPS;47 therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, to implement systematic event, target, and investigative data deconfliction into agency operations, agencies should adopt policies and procedures requiring the use of one of the nationally recognized deconfliction systems comprising NDPS; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that agencies should collaborate with other law enforcement agencies in their jurisdictions, regions, and states to advance and support the use of these and similar systems; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that agencies should provide training for their personnel on how to use these systems; and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recognizes that event, target, and investigative data deconfliction systems work more effectively as more law enforcement agencies use them.


41 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Advisory Committee (GAC),   Strategic Solutions to Transform Our Na ti on’s Justice and Public Safety and Information Sharing: A Call to Action  (Washington, DC: GAC, 2012).

42 BJA, GAC, National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan: Building a National Capability for Effective Criminal

Intelligence Development and the Nationwide Sharing of Intelligence and Information (Washington, DC: GAC, 2013).

43 Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), Investigative Support Center.”

44 HIDTA, Investigative Support Center.”

45 National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Law Enforcement Facts.”

46 BJA, National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center, “National Virtual Pointer System” (fact sheet), 2014; BJA

Call to Action: A Global Unified Message Regarding Information Sharing, May 2019.

47 BJA, National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center, Nationwide Officer Safety Event Deconfliction.


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