The Importance of CJIS Systems Officers to the National Data Exchange

The Importance of CJIS Systems Officers to the National Data Exchange


Adopted at the 120th Annual Conference

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

October 23, 2013


The Importance of CJIS Systems Officers to the National Data Exchange

Submitted by: Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee



WHEREAS, state CJIS Systems Officers (CSOs) are appointed in each U.S. state and territory and are responsible for the overall maintenance, operation, reliability, training, audit, and security of the various information sharing systems under their command, and


WHEREAS, such CJIS Systems Officers are so placed in these highly responsible and visible positions due to their experience, wisdom, background, and training and report to the leader of the state CJIS Systems Agency (CSA), and


WHEREAS, the National Data Exchange (N-DEx) is the nationally scaled information sharing system containing millions of criminal justice records, corrections data, law enforcement reports and photographs and also hosts a robust set of operational features towards increased investigative effectiveness, enhanced officer safety and situational awareness, tactical pre-planning and threat assessment, expanded fusion center analysis, and homeland security endeavors, all of which are available without cost, and


WHEREAS, N-DEx is a proven, effective information sharing system that should immediately be made available to the eligible criminal justice community, including the over 800,000 police officers, sheriff deputies, fire marshals, probation and parole agents, conservation wardens, corrections guards, dispatchers, and fusion center analysts who have a demonstrated need to access these records without obstruction, now, therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that by resolution at the 2012 International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference held in San Diego that they strongly support N-DEx and identify it as a vital tool that will enhance the capabilities of the state, local, campus, tribal, and federal law enforcement officials as well as corrections, probation, and parole colleagues, and declaring it to be the nationally scaled system of information sharing, and, be it


FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police recommends to the members of the association increased engagement in the furtherance of N-DEx across the nation in an effort to strengthen the investigation of all criminal activities, increase homeland security, enhance officer safety, and promote information sharing across geographical and jurisdictional lines, and be it


FURTHER RESOLVED that the International Association of Chiefs of Police calls upon all CJIS Systems Officers of any state or territory and strongly recommends to their respective CSA heads, to increase the availability of N-DEx to the criminal justice community in the purview of their areas of responsibility, underscoring the critical nature of this expanding database.


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