The Threat of International Drug Syndicates to National Security
WHEREAS, international drug syndicates threaten the stability of their own nations and increasingly that of neighboring and distant nations; and
WHEREAS, international borders no longer contain drug trafficking or the power of drug syndicates within the single nation. Neither do international borders ensure protection of neighboring or distant nations from the reach of international drug syndicates. With their vast power, wealth and corruptive influence, drug syndicates have the capacity to weaken the countries in which they are sheltered, as well as threaten the security of other nations; and
WHEREAS, violence and corruption are symptomatic of the drug trade. Growing amounts of drugs--cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana and synthetic drugs--continue to flow over the borders of drug producing, transit and consuming nations. Drug-related violence threatens the safety of citizens and security of nations. Corruption is equally destructive. It weakens a nation’s own attempt to fight drug syndicates and undermines attempts at international law enforcement cooperation; and
WHEREAS, federal, state, national and local law enforcement agencies should strive to enhance their communication and cooperation against drug smuggling and drug-related violence. Similarly, law enforcement agencies on both sides of international borders should continue to search for ways to enhance their cooperation on drug interdiction national drug investigations and the capture, conviction and imprisonment of top drug leaders; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), duly assembled at its 104th annual conference in Orlando, Florida, strongly advocates that all countries implement vigorous law enforcement actions to: dismantle international organized crime syndicates that operate within their borders; identify, arrest and prosecute the criminal leaders of these organizations; strip the leaders of their illicit wealth and ensure they serve sentences commensurate with their crimes; and, therefore, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the International Association of Chiefs of Police urges that the law enforcement agencies of all countries cooperate effectively to ensure that the foregoing objectives are achieved.