The Oath of Honor

The Oath of Honor

About the Oath

The IACP Governing Body recently revised the IACP Oath of Honor to punctuate the importance of treating all individuals with dignity and respect and ensuring the preservation of human life. This important document is available in five languages. 

Understanding the Oath of Honor

A public affirmation of adhering to an Oath of Honor is a powerful vehicle demonstrating ethical standards. Before officers take the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor, it is important that they understand what it means. An oath is a solemn pledge individuals make when they sincerely intend to do what is said.

Using the Oath of Honor

To be successful at enhancing integrity within an organization, leaders must ensure the oath is recited frequently and displayed throughout the organization as well as ensuring ethical mentoring and role modeling are consistent, frequent, and visible. The Oath of Honor's brevity allows it to be constantly referred to and reinforced during conversations and ceremonies. Below are some suggestions.

  • Recite the oath at all official police ceremonies and gatherings
  • Create posters of the oath and display in strategic and visible places, including police academies, briefing rooms, offices, and hallways as well as public access areas
  • Have each academy class sign a large poster of the oath and display this signed copy
  • Print on the reverse side of officers' business/commission cards
  • Include the oath on training certificates and awards
  • Print the oath on department items such as coffee mugs, key chains, patches, pins
  • Refer to the oath when communicating with others;
  • Use the oath as a backdrop in citizens' meetings and news media events.

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