IACP 2018 Recorded Sessions: Police Culture and Morale
Did you miss any part of IACP 2018 or want to re-watch a workshop? Select workshop sessions are posted here as a member-only benefit. Watch the videos below.
Improve Employee Accountability by Building Employee Trust
A Rules-based culture too often focuses only on minimal employee compliance and discipline. Today's value-based cultures focus more on employee commitment and performance. This presentation takes both of these mindsets into consideration as it provides attendees with practical trust-building steps to help them improve employee commitment, accountability and performance. Using engagement, clear expectations, and continual feedback to eliminate communication failures, this trust-building strategy will begin to move employees towards a value-based mindset. Attendees will be given the tools they need to make deposits in their "trust account" to help them get the accountability from employees that they desire and the public demands.
Early Intervention Keeps Morale Positive
This presentation provides attendees with practical steps for weeding out morale killing behaviors that can negatively impact employee job performance and relations with the public. Attendees will learn how to effectively use early intervention accountability as an alternative to punishment, and will learn how to provide continual feedback to help improve behavior, morale and performance. The presentation emphasizes the importance of engagement, setting of expectations, providing continual feedback, and the utilization of a simple 7-step process that will help correct unacceptable employee behavior and get any leader the performance he or she wants and the public demands.
Smaller Agency Track session recording made possible by Engility.
Embedding an Ethical Framework into the Culture of Police Organizations Today and into the Future
The Gatineau Police Service developed an ethical framework that has been successfully embedded into the culture of the organization. The framework was developed at the grass roots level with input from police, civilians, the community, and academic and international research. The framework uses the philosophy of ethics to create an action-oriented, proactive strategy aiming to prevent complaints against police while supporting the emotional wellness of officers. Phase 2 of the presentation will examine the future of ethics and maintaining public trust, by connecting the basic principles of the framework to the future use of complex technologies (covert surveillance, big data, etc).
A Discussion Regarding Rebuilding a Policing Organization and Performance Management
This presentation will explore how to effectively lead, manage and develop and existing policing organization after a change in leadership and performance. The presentation will discuss effective techniques and styles of leadership to apply to benefit the department the various generations of police officers and resources to use to help rebuild a policing organization.
Smaller Agency Track session recording made possible by Engility.
What Does the Future Hold for Law Enforcement Officers? How Can He/She Be Everything in Every Situation?
Through a panel discussion, this workshop will look at the many roles police officers take on in a day and how this will evolve with changes in the role of law enforcement.