Yale Child Study Center
Since 1991, the Yale Child Study Center has been on the cutting edge in developing collaborative efforts to address the children exposed to violence (CEV) epidemic. In partnership with the New Haven Department of Police Service, the Child Development-Community Policing Program (CD-CP) was developed to capitalize on the significant role that law enforcement could play in responding to and aiding in the recovery of children and families exposed to violence. Under the Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, the U.S. Department of Justice launched a national CEV initiative in 1999 and took ground-breaking steps to focus national attention on child victims and witnesses to violence. The initiative recognizes the vital role law enforcement and criminal justice system reforms can have in addressing CEV, supporting innovative prevention and early intervention programs that break the cycle of violence and keep children and communities safe. The establishment of a national center on CEV was a vital part of the initiative, and in May 1999 Holder inaugurated the National Center for Children Exposed to Violence (NCCEV) at the Yale Child Study Center.
Since its inauguration, the NCCEV has:
- Developed and implemented innovative multi-disciplinary collaborative program models such as the CD-CP program, the Domestic Violence Home Visiting Intervention, and the Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI), which provide immediate coordinated police, mental health, and social service interventions, in addition to follow-up services to children and families exposed to violence and trauma;
- Provided CEV training, technical assistance and consultation to law enforcement, first responders, and emergency management personnel nationwide;
- Provided nationwide consultation in times of crisis (including school and community mass shootings, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and natural disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita) to communities, law enforcement agencies, mental health providers, schools, media outlets, and local, state, and national government leaders;
- Supported public awareness and policy initiatives relating to CEV; and
- Provided extensive direct clinical services to children and families exposed to violence and other traumatic events.
The CD-CP has been used as a model for law enforcement-mental health partnerships across the country. CD-CP has been adapted in 16 US communities—including three tribal communities—as well as internationally