IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Support to Enhance Protection of Animal Welfare and Public Safety
Support to Enhance Protection of Animal Welfare and Public Safety
Submitted by: Forensics Committee
WHEREAS, animal cruelty is a crime and includes felony provisions...
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services – Template Package V: Training
All victim services personnel—supervisors, direct services staff, student interns, and volunteers—benefit from comprehensive, specialized training. Whether victim services staff are hired with significant advocacy experience...
Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide Toolkit
The National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide Toolkit is designed to support agencies and departments to address officer mental health and wellness concerns. This...
Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide Final Report
This report outlines recommendations developed by the National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide to assist the law enforcement profession with improving access, quality, and...
Better Data For Evolving Crime Trends (2012–2022 NIBRS Transition)
This article from the Police Chief Magazine highlights the National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) initiative's current progress from its transition that began in late 2012...
Alternatives to Arrest
Programs offering alternatives to arrest have the potential to positively alter the outcomes for individuals who come into contact with the criminal justice system. By...
Police Chaplains
Police chaplains assist police agency personnel with personal, spiritual, moral, and ethical consultation. Police chaplains are clergy whose function is to provide support and guidance...
Gun Violence Reduction is a Shared Responsibility
Gun Violence Reduction is a Shared Responsibility
Submitted by: Board of Directors
WHERAS, in 2020 the United States experienced the biggest rise in...
Fraudulent Use of Rental, Lease and Financed Motor Vehicles
As a result of manufacturers making vehicles more difficult to steal, there has been an increase in fraudulently obtaining rental, lease, or financed vehicles. Criminals...
Drug Recognition Experts
The Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program forms the basis of drug-impaired driving enforcement through training and certifying Drug Recognition Experts (DREs). The DRE responds to...
Resources on Crowd Management and Civil Demonstrations
The ability of police leaders, elected officials, and communities to prepare for, respond to, and successfully manage demonstrations and protests is more critical than ever...
Discretionary Response to Calls for Service
Responding to calls for service efficiently is one of a police officer's primary duties, but public safety remains a priority. Inappropriate responses to calls for...