IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Crowd Management
Civil disturbances and demonstrations have changed over the years, as have the tactics and techniques of law enforcement agencies called upon to manage and control...
Hate Crimes
Any acts or threats of violence, property damage, harassment, intimidation, or other crimes motivated by hate and bias and designed to infringe upon the rights...
HIV/AIDS Prevention
These documents provide guidelines for law enforcement officers in preventing the contraction of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
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Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Most officers will have encounters with persons who are deaf or affected by significant hearing loss — whether that be as victims, witnesses, or suspects...
Death Notification
Law enforcement agencies should require that all officers become familiar with the concepts and procedures regarding death notification so as to provide surviving family members with sufficient useful...
Digital Cameras
Digital cameras can be useful for investigative and documentary purposes where reasonable and appropriate. The selection of digital or conventional film imaging equipment should be...
Diplomatic Immunity
Law enforcement agencies should adhere to the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of State concerning immunities for foreign nationals based on international treaty obligations...
Holding Facilities
Law enforcement agencies must provide secure temporary holding facilities for detainees held for interrogation, arrest processing, transfer to another facility, or pursuant to another legal...
Foot Pursuits
Foot pursuits are inherently dangerous. Therefore, officer and public safety should be the overriding considerations in determining whether a foot pursuit is initiated or continued...
Domestic Violence*
An effective law enforcement response to domestic violence must include the adoption of a comprehensive policy that is a priority for the agency, is consistently...
Electronic Control Weapons
Law enforcement officers should use only the force that is objectively reasonable to effectively bring an incident under control, while protecting the safety of the...
Electronic Messaging
The availability and use of the personal computer within the work environment have provided many opportunities for enhancement of productivity and effectiveness. These technologies also...