IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Starting with What Works
Evidence Assessment of President's Taskforce on 21st Century Policing
Promising Practices in Tribal Community Policing
Youth-Focused Policing Agency Self-Assessment Tool
What are your agency strengths in responding to youth crime, delinquency, and victimization? What areas need improvement? Could your agency benefit from implementing a Youth...
Body-Worn Cameras and Violence Against Women: Policy and Program Development
Body-Worn Cameras and Violence Against Women: Vulnerable Populations and Community Trust
Sexual Assault Incident Reports: Investigative Strategies
About ALPR
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology work?
ALPR systems generally consist of a high speed camera with an infrared (“IR”)...
Law enforcement use of automated license plate readers is often reported in local, regional, and national media. News stories reviewing the deployment and use of...