IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
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A Transition Guide for Veterans Beginning or Continuing Careers in Law Enforcement
This veteran’s guidebook shares experiences and tips for veterans as they transition from deployment to resuming or beginning law enforcement careers.
Law Enforcement Leader's Guide on Combat Veterans
This guidebook provides recommendations to law enforcement leaders on how they can successfully improve the quality of support to returning combat veterans who are reentering...
Current Outreach Strategies and Marketing Techniques for Recruiting Combat Veterans
This document outlines the current outreach strategies and marketing techniques that law enforcement agencies use to market, recruit, and employ returning combat veterans.
Employing Returning Combat Veterans: Findings and Recommendations from Field Research
This study examines the issues surrounding returning combat veterans who enter or return to law
enforcement careers.
Ambush Fact Sheet
This report provides a comprehensive look at the nature of ambush attacks perpetrated against law enforcement officers in the United States since 1990, based on...
Preventing Line of Duty Deaths: A Chief's Duty
This agency self-assessment tool is designed to help law enforcement leaders evaluate their agency’s efforts to address the safety needs of officers. Use this tool...
Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve: An Internal Affairs Promising Practices Guide for Local Law Enforcement
This guide examines all aspects of police internal affairs operations and recommends strategies to improve and sustain community trust building, regardless of agency size
Law Enforcement Recruitment Toolkit
The toolkit comprises four reports, each focusing on a different area of recruitment. The lead piece, Police Recruitment: Foundation Concepts, describes police departments’ changing recruitment...
Best Practices Guide: Recruitment, Retention, and Turnover
The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of the issues that impact an agency’s ability to recruit sufficient numbers of qualified persons...
Psychological Fitness–for-Duty Evaluation Guidelines
The IACP Police Psychological Services Section developed these guidelines to educate and inform the public safety agencies that request fitness-for-duty evaluations (FFDEs) and the practice of...
Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluation Guidelines
The IACP Police Psychological Services Section developed these guidelines for use by public safety agencies, agency executives, and psychologists as well as other professionals who...
Developing a Cybervetting Strategy for Law Enforcement
This guide serves to help chief executives navigate the complicated world of vetting and personnel management in the social media age. A number of IACP...