IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Accelerant and Explosives Detection Canine Testing Protocols
WHEREAS, current issues affect accelerant detection canine programs, namely that
- the proper use of an accelerant detection canine is to assist in the location and...
Support for Guidelines on Persons Seeking State Private Security Officer Licensing
WHEREAS, the growth in public awareness and concern about safety and security matters has placed demands on public law enforcement agencies to meet the escalating...
Support for Rural Law Enforcement Training
WHEREAS, it is known that one-third of all Americans live in rural areas; 90 percent of all law enforcement agencies serve populations of less than...
Support for National Arson Awareness Week
WHEREAS, arson is a serious crime that affects each and every person and can only be reduced when citizens realize the severe damage that arson...
National Crime Prevention Strategy
WHEREAS, crime prevention, community safety, and community justice need the support of all public, private, and community agencies to be successful; and WHEREAS, the International...
In Support of Community Safety
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) believes that community safety is everybody’s responsibility and crime prevention is everyone’s business; and
WHEREAS, in...
Support for Continued Crime Prevention Funding
Support for Continued Crime Prevention...
Support of Actively Eliminating Criminal Victimization of the Elderly
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs recognizes that the proportion of the population becoming senior citizens is increasing at a significant rate in many...
Support of Halting Identity Crime by Supporting Law Enforcement Efforts and the IACP
Submitted jointly by the Police Investigative Operations Committee, Crime Prevention Committee, Law Enforcement Information Management Section, Police Administration Committee, Private Sector Liaison Committee and Victim...
Adopting Community Policing as a Philosophy for the Delivery of Services
WHEREAS, one of the objectives of the Association shall be to advance the science and art of police services; and
WHEREAS, every police agency is...
Establishing an Annual Award for a Scout who has Demonstrated Crime Prevention Excellence
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have had a long and continuous relationship; and
In Support of Community Safety
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police believes that community safety is everybody’s responsibility and crime prevention is everyone’s business; and
WHEREAS, in the...