IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana by States for “Recreational” Purposes
Adopted at the 120th Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 23, 2013
Opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana by States for "Recreational" Purposes
Submitted by...
Bringing Awareness to Effective Tools Being Used to Combat Opiate Pain Reliever Overdose Deaths in the U.S.
WHEREAS, overdose rates for all drugs in the United States have more than tripled since 1990 and have never been higher; and
WHEREAS, 100...
IACP Support for Improved Railroad Police Communications
WHEREAS, radio spectrum designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for public safety interoperability does not include eligibility for Police organizations operated by Class...
IACP Support for Alarm Industry Use of the FirstNet Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
WHEREAS, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Public Law 112-96) was signed into law by the President on...
Support for NCS-X Feasibility Study
Adopted at the 120th Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 23, 2013
Support for NCS-X Feasibility Study
Submitted by Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee
Opposition of Legislation Explicitly Allowing Force against Law Enforcement Officers under Expansions to the Castle Doctrine or Self-Defense Laws
Adopted at the 120th Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 23, 2013
Opposition of Legislation Explicitly Allowing Force against Law Enforcement Officers under Expansions...
Addressing Sexual Violence on College Campuses and Military Bases
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is the world's largest membership organization of police executives that provides the professional voice of...
Support of the National Network of Fusion Centers
Adopted at the 121st Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 21, 2014
Support of the National Network of Fusion Centers
Submitted by: Homeland Security Committee...
Deployment of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is to provide for mutual assistance between states entering into the compact in managing...
Increasing the Awareness of the Lethality of Intimate Partner Strangulation
WHEREAS, strangulation is an indicator of the escalation of violence and associated with increased risk of serious injury and/or death in cases of intimate...
Pretrial Release and Detention Process
Adopted at the 121st Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 21, 2014
Pretrial Release and Detention Process
Submitted by: Research Advisory Committee
Sex Trafficking of Children and Minors Nationally and Internationally
Adopted at the 121st Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 21, 2014
Sex Trafficking of Children and Minors Nationally and Internationally
Sponsored by: Juvenile Justice...