IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Opposition to Conceal Carry Reciprocity Legislation
Opposition to Conceal Carry Reciprocity Legislation
Submitted by: Firearms Committee
WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) of 2004 enables retired...
Community Support for Traffic Safety
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recognizes the need for law enforcement on a national level to promote transparency between law...
Support for Continued Development of Technology to Reduce Distracted Driving
Support for Continued Development of Technology to Reduce Distracted Driving
Submitted by: Highway Safety Committee
WHEREAS, in 2015, according to National...
Supporting the Codification of State and Federal Legislative Proposals Modeled on the Core Principle of the Kelsey Smith Act
Supporting the Codification of State and Federal Legislative Proposals Modeled on the Core Principle of the Kelsey Smith Act
Submitted by: Police Investigative Operations...
Support of National Violent Death Reporting System
Support of National Violent Death Reporting System
Submitted by: Research Advisory Committee and Firearms Committee
WHEREAS, in 2015, per the Center...
Raise the Level of Awareness and Understanding of the Importance of Vehicle Crimes
Raise the Level of Awareness and Understanding of the Importance of Vehicle Crimes
Submitted by: Vehicle Crimes Committee
WHEREAS, it is...
To Develop and Implement a Universal Definition and the Classification of a "Motor Vehicle"
To Develop and Implement a Universal Definition and the Classification of a "Motor Vehicle" Differentiated From a "Vehicle" as it Pertains to Motor Vehicle Theft...
To Develop and Implement a Universal Definition of a "Stolen" and "Recovered" Motor Vehicle
To Develop and Implement a Universal Definition of a "Stolen" and "Recovered" Motor Vehicle as it Pertains to Motor Vehicle Theft
Submitted by: Vehicle...
To Enhance the FBI NCIC's Ability to Assist Law Enforcement with the Interdiction, Apprehension, and Identification of Auto Theft Criminals
To Enhance the FBI NCIC's Ability to Assist Law Enforcement with the Interdiction, Apprehension, and Identification of Auto Theft Criminals
Submitted by: Vehicle Crimes...
Support the Migration to the National Incident-Based Reporting System
Support the Migration to the National Incident-Based Reporting System
Submitted by: Vehicle Crimes Committee
WHEREAS, currently, 33 states are certified to...
Encourage Law Enforcement to Utilize the IACP Automated License Plate Recognition Policy Guidance
WHEREAS it has been determined that there are benefits and advantages afforded by Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) to the identification, recovery and investigation...