IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Fentanyl and Officer Safety
Fentanyl and Officer Safety
Submitted by: IACP Board of Directors
WHEREAS, fentanyl is a Schedule II controlled substance as set forth in the Controlled Substances...
10 Leadership Strategies for Navigating COVID-19
The unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic require strong leadership skills. Leadership is the ability to use your character and competence to influence others. Nothing...
Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence and COVID-19
On April 23, 2020, the IACP hosted a Virtual Roundtable on COVID-19 and Law Enforcement Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence. Below is...
COVID-19 Policy Creation
When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, law enforcement agencies continued to respond to communities on the front lines, despite the operational challenges the pandemic posed...
Operational Workload Assessments
Law enforcement agencies face a constantly evolving demand for police services. Calls for service (CFS) shift in nature, volume, and location. Development or redevelopment within...
Promotional Testing - Selecting the Reading List
The promotional reading list is the list of sources, internal and external, that candidates study to be successful on the written exam. The selection of...
Line-of-Duty Serious Injury
The impact of an officer’s line-of-duty injury may continue long beyond the initial event and hospitalization. Systematic policies and procedures can help law enforcement agencies...
IACP Monthly Webinar Series: Removal of Weapons and Firearms from the Hands of DV Offenders
Chief Deputy John Guard from the Pitt Count, NC, Sheriff’s Office, discusses what law enforcement needs to know about the removal of weapons and firearms...
IACP Monthly Webinar Series: Witness Intimidation
Lt. Mark Wynn (Ret.) leads a discussion on what law enforcement needs to know about witness intimidation when working on crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault...
IACP Virtual Listening Session for Fire and EMS Personnel Focused on Vicarious Trauma and the Impact of COVID-19
Join the IACP Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative, EMT Program Director Domenic Corey, Northeastern University (MA), and Firefighter and Paramedic Eric Provow, Fairfax County Fire Department...
IACP Virtual Listening Session on Victim Advocacy, Vicarious Trauma and the Impact of COVID-19
Join the IACP Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative, along with Lisa Tieszen M.A., LICSW and Katherine Manners M.Ed.,for a discussion regarding the impact that the COVID-19...